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Address Match-Code Software
  -- locating addresses, assigning latitude-longitude, census tract lookup

Participate in the "Using Mapping and GIS with Census 2000 Data" Webcourse ... learn more about effective use of software and data for address matching and geocoding applications.
Use the Address Match-Code software to address match your address-oriented data records to street segments between two intersections, anywhere in the U.S. See the results of address-matching ... putting address-oriented data on the map.

Using the Proximity AMC software, each address record is assigned the latitude-longitude location and a series of optional geographic codes. Assignment of latitude-longitude means that you are able to associate the rooftop location of the address in mapping and for use in other GIS applications.

Geographic codes are available down to the census block, making it possible to associate an address with one of 8.2 million census blocks for which general demographic data are available.

The AMC software also associates data from your other files with the address record. For example, you can instruct
the software to add the total population and the population living in areas with below poverty level income.

AMC Operation

Initial View of Demo Screen

To get started, click on the Lookup one address button. The address specified in the "Address to Match-Code-Profile" is processed. The results of using the default address are displayed in the following graphic.

The above graphic shows three results summaries: the parsing for the address line, parsing for the city/state/ZIP line, and the linkage to other files and area attribute data. In this example, two Census 2000 demographic items are displayed for matched addresses ... the population and per capita income in the census tract where the address is located. To view another address using a pick-from-list file, click on "Select from" button located in the top center of the AMC screen. A scrollable list of addresses is presented as shown in the graphic shown below. The default list is a list of Hawaii schools. The source and content of this list is described in the applications section. In this example, Liliuokalani school is selected.

View of Liliuokalani selection

View of Liliuokalani school address matching, coding, and profile results

As shown in the third panel in the above box, the ">" symbol shows that the school is located in census tract 000800 and in census block 1005. For reference, the display also shows the census tract and census block code on the other side of the matched street segment.

File processing. The entire set of 185 schools can be batch address-matched and coded by clicking on the "Match File" button. Using this version, the displays of the match results are displayed on the screen and the results are written to an ASCII file.

Dbase file generation. After address matching the ASCII file can be converted to a dbase structure. This provides an easy way to use the address data in Excel, or with other dbase software, to generate summary data from the unit record data or otherwise view/process the relational data. The dbase file may also be used directly as an "event theme" file with the ArcView mapping software and display icons
superimposed on other layers as shown in examples later in this section.

A wide range of options may be set using the Options Form. All options are preset in the demo application and cannot be modified.

View of Options form.

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Graphics presented below show the results of address-matching Hawaii schools. The address-matched schools are displayed as icons on a base map of Honolulu County, HI by census tract.

Address data used for the address-matching application were taken from the Hawaii Department of Education schools list. This list is available at Since the application demo reviewed in this section is limited to Honolulu County, HI (15-003), the master list was reduced to include only those located in this county.

Results of address-matching is compared below using the AMC and the ArcView software. Both software used the same base file (M15003R.DBF) and the same address data. The address file did have to be converted to a dbase structure before the address matching could proceed. The content of the data in all respects is identical.

The following map shows the results of address-matching the 185 schools using the AMC software. No editing was performed on the addresses in advance of performing the matching operations.

Hawaii Schools Matched Using AMC (110 of 185 schools matched on first pass)

The following map shows the results of address-matching the 185 schools using the ArcView software. Again, no editing was performed on the addresses in advance of performing the matching operations.

Hawaii Schools Matched Using ArcView (92 of 185 school matched on first pass)

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