

Select File>Settings to modify the configuration/start-up INI file


The Settings/Configuration file controls the appearance of the start-up settings when CVGIS starts.  The configuration file is a text file named cvgis.ini and is located in the CVGIS execution folder. The full path and file name is normally c:\cvgis\cvgis.ini.


While the cvgis.ini file can be modified outside of the CVGIS operation, is recommended that the Settings>Start-up (INI) Settings (located at the right on hte main CVGIS toolbar) be used to manage the CVGIS start-up settings.





Users with Key assigned for access to extended features:

Enter your key in the Start-up settings.
User Keys are provided users by e-mail.



.. your personal key; case sensitive; determines what features are available

.. click ShowKey to view Key value


Execution Folder

.. default location where CVGIS installed.

.. c:\cvgis\ (default) recommended


Data Folder

.. default location where your data files are located; set at installation

.. c:\cvgis\1\ recommended


Start-up GIS Project

.. the GIS project file that is opened when CVGIS starts

.. if this value is blank or refers to non-existent project, no project is opened.



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