The County Reference Files are a part of the ProximityOne Data Services program.


These datasets are a variation of the Census Bureau Gazetteer files.

The datasets are structured as dbase files.


Census 2010 County Reference File Fields

USPS        United States Postal Service State Abbreviation
GEOID       Geographic Identifier - fully concatenated geographic code (State FIPS and County FIPS)
ANSICODE    American National Standards Institute code
NAME        Name
POP10       2010 Census population count.
HU10        2010 Census housing unit count.
ALAND       Land Area (square meters) - Created for statistical purposes only.
AWATER      Water Area (square meters) - Created for statistical purposes only.
ALAND_SQMI  Land Area (square miles) - Created for statistical purposes only.
AWTER_SQMI  Water Area (square miles) - Created for statistical purposes only.
INTPTLAT    Latitude (decimal degrees) First character is blank or "-" denoting North or South latitude respectively.
INTPTLONG   Longitude (decimal degrees) First character is blank or "-" denoting East or West longitude respectively.


Census 2000 County Reference File Fields

STAB         US Postal Service State Abbreviation
GEOID        State County FIPS code
NAME         Name
POP00        Total Population (2000)
HU00         Total Housing Units (2000)
ALAND        Land Area (square meters) - Created for statistical purposes only.
AWATER       Water Area (square meters) - Created for statistical purposes only.
ALAND_SQMI   Land Area (square miles) - Created for statistical purposes only.
AWATR_SQMI   Water Area (square miles) - Created for statistical purposes only.
INTPTLAT     Latitude (decimal degrees) First character is blank or "-" denoting North or South latitude respectively
INTPTLONG    Longitude (decimal degrees) First character is blank or "-" denoting East or West longitude respectively


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