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Metropolitan Divisions

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Metropolitan Divisions

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Metropolitan Divisions

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Metropolitan Divisions are created when a metropolitan statistical area containing a single core with a population of at least 2.5 million is subdivided to form smaller groupings of counties or equivalent entities.  Not all metropolitan statistical areas with urbanized areas of this size will contain metropolitan divisions.  A metropolitan division consists of one or more main counties that represent an employment center or centers, plus adjacent counties associated with the main county or counties through commuting ties.  Because metropolitan divisions represent subdivisions of larger metropolitan statistical areas, it is not appropriate to rank or compare metropolitan divisions with metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas.


Metropolitan Division National Shapefile Record Layout (Current)
CSAFP3StringCurrent combined statistical area code
CBSAFP5StringCurrent metropolitan statistical area/micropolitan statistical area code
METDIVFP5StringCurrent metropolitan division code
GEOID10StringMetropolitan division identifier; a concatenation of metropolitan statistical area/micropolitan statistical area code and metropolitan division code
NAME100StringCurrent metropolitan division name
NAMELSAD100StringCurrent name and the translated legal/statistical area description for metropolitan division
LSAD2StringCurrent legal/statistical area description code for metropolitan division
MTFCC5StringMAF/TIGER feature class code (G3120)
ALAND14NumberCurrent land area
AWATER14NumberCurrent water area
INTPTLAT11StringCurrent latitude of the internal point
INTPTLON12StringCurrent longitude of the internal point

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