Secondary School District Shapefile Record Layout (Current)
tl_year_[state FIPS]_scsd.shp
STATEFP2StringCurrent state FIPS code
SCSDLEA5StringCurrent secondary school district local education agency code
GEOID7StringSchool district identifier; a concatenation of the current state FIPS code and secondary school district local education agency code
NAME100StringCurrent secondary school district name
LSAD2StringCurrent legal/statistical area description code for secondary school district
LOGRADE2StringCurrent lowest grade covered by school district
HIGRADE2StringCurrent highest grade covered by school district
MTFCC5StringMAF/TIGER feature class code (G5410)
SDTYP1StringCurrent school district type
FUNCSTAT1StringCurrent functional status
ALAND14NumberCurrent land area
AWATER14NumberCurrent water area
INTPTLAT11StringCurrent latitude of the internal point
INTPTLON12StringCurrent longitude of the internal point

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