Edges Shapefiles
From, to and curvature latitude-longitude values derived from corresponding shapefile.
Field | Length | Type | Description |
STATEFP | 2 | String | State FIPS code |
COUNTYFP | 3 | String | County FIPS code |
ID | 10 | Integer | Permanent edge ID |
FIDL | 10 | Integer | Permanent face ID on the left of the edge |
FIDR | 10 | Integer | Permanent face ID on the right of the edge |
FCC | 5 | String | Feature class code of the primary feature for the edge |
FULLNAME | 100 | String | Concatenation of expanded text for prefix qualifier, prefix direction, prefix type, base name, suffix type, suffix direction, and suffix qualifier with a space between each expanded text field (as available) |
SMID | 22 | String | Spatial metadata identifier |
LFROMADD | 12 | String | From house number associated with the most inclusive address range on the left side of the edge |
LTOADD | 12 | String | To house number associated with the most inclusive address range on the left side of the edge |
RFROMADD | 12 | String | From house number associated with the most inclusive address range on the right side of the edge |
RTOADD | 12 | String | To house number associated with the most inclusive address range on the right side of the edge |
ZIPL | 5 | String | ZIP code associated with the most inclusive address range on the left side |
ZIPR | 5 | String | ZIP code associated with the most inclusive address range on the right side |
FEATCAT | 1 | String | General feature classification category |
HYDROFLG | 1 | String | Hydrography feature indicator |
RAILFLG | 1 | String | Rail feature indicator |
ROADFLG | 1 | String | Road feature indicator |
OLFFLG | 1 | String | Other linear feature indicator |
PASSFLG | 1 | String | Special passage flag |
DIVROAD | 1 | String | Divided road flag |
EXTTYP | 1 | String | Extension type |
TTYP | 1 | String | Track type |
DECKEDROAD | 1 | String | Decked road indicator |
ARTPATH | 1 | String | Artificial path indicator |
PERSIST | 1 | String | Hydrographic persistence flag |
GCSEFLG | 1 | String | Short lines flag for geographic corridors |
OFFSETL | 1 | String | Left offset flag |
OFFSETR | 1 | String | Right offset flag |
NIDF | 10 | Integer | From node identifier |
NIDT | 10 | Integer | To node identifier |