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Edges Shapefile

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Edges Shapefile

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Edges Shapefile

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Edges Shapefiles


From, to and curvature latitude-longitude values derived from corresponding shapefile.



Field Length Type Description
STATEFP 2 String State FIPS code
COUNTYFP 3 String County FIPS code
ID 10 Integer Permanent edge ID
FIDL 10 Integer Permanent face ID on the left of the edge
FIDR 10 Integer Permanent face ID on the right of the edge
FCC 5 String Feature class code of the primary feature for the edge
FULLNAME 100 String Concatenation of expanded text for prefix qualifier, prefix direction, prefix type, base name, suffix type, suffix direction, and suffix qualifier with a space between each expanded text field (as available)
SMID 22 String Spatial metadata identifier
LFROMADD 12 String From house number associated with the most inclusive address range on the left side of the edge
LTOADD 12 String To house number associated with the most inclusive address range on the left side of the edge
RFROMADD 12 String From house number associated with the most inclusive address range on the right side of the edge
RTOADD 12 String To house number associated with the most inclusive address range on the right side of the edge
ZIPL 5 String ZIP code associated with the most inclusive address range on the left side
ZIPR 5 String ZIP code associated with the most inclusive address range on the right side
FEATCAT 1 String General feature classification category
HYDROFLG 1 String Hydrography feature indicator
RAILFLG 1 String Rail feature indicator
ROADFLG 1 String Road feature indicator
OLFFLG 1 String Other linear feature indicator
PASSFLG 1 String Special passage flag
DIVROAD 1 String Divided road flag
EXTTYP 1 String Extension type
TTYP 1 String Track type
DECKEDROAD 1 String Decked road indicator
ARTPATH 1 String Artificial path indicator
PERSIST 1 String Hydrographic persistence flag
GCSEFLG 1 String Short lines flag for geographic corridors
OFFSETL 1 String Left offset flag
OFFSETR 1 String Right offset flag
NIDF 10 Integer From node identifier
NIDT 10 Integer To node identifier

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