2010 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates: Social Characteristics (DP-2)
... Summary ... DP1 ... DP2 ... DP3 ... DP4 ... Census 2010 DP ... About
  Selected Tracts in McKinney ISD, TXCensus Tract 305.27 48085030527 Census Tract 306.03 48085030603 Census Tract 306.05 48085030605 Summary for All Areas
 Total households (occupied housing units) 1,049 100.0 2,510 100.0 1,922 100.0 5,481 100.00
    Family households (families) 838 79.9 1,807 72.0 1,599 83.2 4,244 77.43
        With own children under 18 years 575 54.8 1,021 40.7 1,114 58.0 2,710 49.44
        Married-couple family 796 75.9 1,406 56.0 1,338 69.6 3,540 64.59
            With own children under 18 years 542 51.7 798 31.8 870 45.3 2,210 40.32
        Male householder, no wife present, family 0 0.0 62 2.5 36 1.9 98 1.79
            With own children under 18 years 0 0.0 44 1.8 36 1.9 80 1.46
        Female householder, no husband present, family 42 4.0 339 13.5 225 11.7 606 11.06
            With own children under 18 years 33 3.1 179 7.1 208 10.8 420 7.66
    Nonfamily households 211 20.1 703 28.0 323 16.8 1,237 22.57
        Householder living alone 182 17.3 575 22.9 279 14.5 1,036 18.90
            65 years and over 18 1.7 159 6.3 17 0.9 194 3.54
    Households with one or more people under 18 years 584 55.7 1,108 44.1 1,125 58.5 2,817 51.40
    Households with one or more people 65 years and over 63 6.0 339 13.5 162 8.4 564 10.29
    Average household size 3.41  2.83  2.89  3.04 
    Average family size 3.94  3.35  3.20  3.50 
 Population in households 3,580 100.0 7,092 100.0 5,546 100.0 16,218 100.00
    Householder 1,049 29.3 2,510 35.4 1,922 34.7 5,481 33.80
    Spouse 792 22.1 1,410 19.9 1,324 23.9 3,526 21.74
    Child 1,580 44.1 2,480 35.0 2,088 37.6 6,148 37.91
    Other relatives 91 2.5 352 5.0 108 1.9 551 3.40
    Nonrelatives 68 1.9 340 4.8 104 1.9 512 3.16
        Unmarried partner 35 1.0 162 2.3 41 0.7 238 1.47
 Males 15 years and over 1,065 100.0 2,212 100.0 1,889 100.0 5,166 100.00
    Never married 132 12.4 495 22.4 361 19.1 988 19.13
    Now married, except separated 834 78.3 1,485 67.1 1,378 72.9 3,697 71.56
    Separated 43 4.0 32 1.4 11 0.6 86 1.66
    Widowed 0 0.0 15 0.7 11 0.6 26 0.50
    Divorced 56 5.3 185 8.4 128 6.8 369 7.14
 Females 15 years and over 1,249 100.0 2,867 100.0 2,145 100.0 6,261 100.00
    Never married 343 27.5 749 26.1 383 17.9 1,475 23.56
    Now married, except separated 838 67.1 1,519 53.0 1,359 63.4 3,716 59.35
    Separated 0 0.0 71 2.5 28 1.3 99 1.58
    Widowed 28 2.2 148 5.2 80 3.7 256 4.09
    Divorced 40 3.2 380 13.3 295 13.8 715 11.42
 Number of women 15 to 50 years old who had a birth in the past 12 months 59 100.0 112 100.0 53 100.0 224 100.00
    Unmarried women (widowed, divorced, and never married) 8 13.6 21 18.8 15 28.3 44 19.64
    Per 1,000 unmarried women 22  22  27  71 
    Per 1,000 women 15 to 50 years old 55  54  33  142 
    Per 1,000 women 15 to 19 years old 150  0  0  150 
    Per 1,000 women 20 to 34 years old 94  74  77  245 
    Per 1,000 women 35 to 50 years old 13  43  0  56 
 Number of grandparents living with own grandchildren under 18 years 50 100.0 193 100.0 61 100.0 304 100.00
    Responsible for grandchildren 15 30.0 114 59.1 0 0.0 129 42.43
        Years responsible for grandchildren - less than 1 year 15 30.0 41 21.2 0 0.0 56 18.42
        Years responsible for grandchildren - 1 or 2 years 0 0.0 73 37.8 0 0.0 73 24.01
        Years responsible for grandchildren - 3 or 4 years 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.00
        Years responsible for grandchildren - 5 or more years 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.00
 Number of grandparents responsible for own grandchildren under 18 years 15 100.0 114 100.0 0  129 100.00
    Who are female 6 40.0 57 50.0 0  63 48.84
    Who are married 15 100.0 114 100.0 0  129 100.00
 Population 3 years and over enrolled in school 1,335 100.0 2,047 100.0 1,686 100.0 5,068 100.00
    Nursery school, preschool 175 13.1 194 9.5 200 11.9 569 11.23
    Kindergarten 16 1.2 81 4.0 145 8.6 242 4.78
    Elementary school (grades 1-8) 767 57.5 933 45.6 700 41.5 2,400 47.36
    High school (grades 9-12) 147 11.0 362 17.7 384 22.8 893 17.62
    College or graduate school 230 17.2 477 23.3 257 15.2 964 19.02
    Population 25 years and over 1,937 100.0 4,161 100.0 3,406 100.0 9,504 100.00
    Less than 9th grade 44 2.3 143 3.4 85 2.5 272 2.86
    9th to 12th grade, no diploma 43 2.2 221 5.3 162 4.8 426 4.48
    High school graduate (includes equivalency) 290 15.0 918 22.1 740 21.7 1,948 20.50
    Some college, no degree 440 22.7 1,022 24.6 980 28.8 2,442 25.69
    Associate's degree 190 9.8 404 9.7 524 15.4 1,118 11.76
    Bachelor's degree 604 31.2 987 23.7 739 21.7 2,330 24.52
    Graduate or professional degree 326 16.8 466 11.2 176 5.2 968 10.19
    Percent high school graduate or higher 95.5  91.3  92.7  93.2 
    Percent bachelor's degree or higher 48.0  34.9  26.9  36.6 
 Civilian population 18 years and over 2,194 100.0 4,838 100.0 3,692 100.0 10,724 100.00
    Civilian veterans 154 7.0 460 9.5 347 9.4 961 8.96
 Total Civilian Noninstitutionalized Population... ... ... ... 
    With a disability... ... ... ... 
    Under 18 years... ... ... ... 
        With a disability... ... ... ... 
    18 to 64 years... ... ... ... 
        With a disability... ... ... ... 
    65 years and over... ... ... ... 
        With a disability... ... ... ... 
 Population 1 year and over 3,522 100.0 6,976 100.0 5,554 100.0 0 0.00
    Same house 2,879 81.7 5,373 77.0 4,759 85.7 0 0.00
    Different house in the U.S. 643 18.3 1,603 23.0 795 14.3 0 0.00
        Same county 431 12.2 488 7.0 324 5.8 0 0.00
        Different county 212 6.0 1,115 16.0 471 8.5 0 0.00
            Same state 122 3.5 659 9.4 194 3.5 0 0.00
            Different state 90 2.6 456 6.5 277 5.0 0 0.00
    Abroad 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.00
 Total Population (D001) 3,580 100.0 7,092 100.0 5,650 100.0 16,052 98.35
    Native 3,030 84.6 6,415 90.5 4,834 85.6 13,011 79.71
        Born in United States 2,957 82.6 6,392 90.1 4,809 85.1 3,041 18.63
            State of residence 1,515 42.3 3,504 49.4 2,959 52.4 1,243 7.62
            Different state 1,442 40.3 2,888 40.7 1,850 32.7 1,798 11.02
        Born in Puerto Rico, U.S. Island areas, or born abroad to American parents 73 2.0 23 0.3 25 0.4 975 5.97
    Foreign born 550 15.4 677 9.5 816 14.4 823 5.04
 Foreign-born population 550 100.0 677 100.0 816 100.0 0 0.00
    Naturalized U.S. citizen 410 74.5 333 49.2 283 34.7 16,322 798.92
    Not a U.S. citizen 140 25.5 344 50.8 533 65.3 14,279 698.92
 YEAR OF ENTRY        
 Population born outside the United States 623 100.0 700 100.0 841 100.0 14,158 654.25
    Native 73 11.7 23 3.3 25 3.0 7,978 368.67
        Entered 2000 or later 0 0.0 13 1.9 15 1.8 6,180 285.58
        Entered before 2000 73 11.7 10 1.4 10 1.2 121 5.59
    Foreign born 550 88.3 677 96.7 816 97.0 2,043 94.41
        Entered 2000 or later 80 12.8 232 33.1 271 32.2 2,043 94.41
        Entered before 2000 470 75.4 445 63.6 545 64.8 1,026 47.41
 Foreign-born population, excluding population born at sea 550 100.0 677 100.0 816 100.0 1,017 49.78
    Europe 60 10.9 50 7.4 59 7.2 2,164 105.92
    Asia 243 44.2 72 10.6 172 21.1 121 5.92
    Africa 100 18.2 143 21.1 128 15.7 28 1.37
    Oceania 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 93 4.55
    Latin America 147 26.7 396 58.5 431 52.8 2,043 100.00
    Northern America 0 0.0 16 2.4 26 3.2 583 28.54
 Population 5 years and over 3,164 100.0 6,242 100.0 5,016 100.0 1,460 10.12
    English only 2,499 79.0 4,788 76.7 3,963 79.0 2,043 14.17
    Language other than English 665 21.0 1,454 23.3 1,053 21.0 169 1.17
        Speak English less than "very well" 174 5.5 288 4.6 397 7.9 487 3.38
        Spanish 314 9.9 1,183 19.0 699 13.9 371 2.57
            Speak English less than "very well" 73 2.3 252 4.0 290 5.8 0 0.00
        Other Indo-European languages 140 4.4 53 0.8 70 1.4 974 6.75
            Speak English less than "very well" 76 2.4 0 0.0 20 0.4 42 0.29
        Asian and Pacific Islander languages 130 4.1 111 1.8 156 3.1 14,422 100.00
            Speak English less than "very well" 25 0.8 36 0.6 87 1.7 11,250 78.01
        Other languages 81 2.6 107 1.7 128 2.6 3,172 21.99
            Speak English less than "very well" 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 859 5.96
 Total Population (D001) 3,580 100.0 7,092 100.0 5,650 100.0 2,196 13.45
    American 351 9.8 1,039 14.7 402 7.1 615 3.77
    Arab 0 0.0 13 0.2 22 0.4 263 1.61
    Czech 10 0.3 11 0.2 12 0.2 96 0.59
    Danish 0 0.0 12 0.2 16 0.3 397 2.43
    Dutch 125 3.5 56 0.8 78 1.4 148 0.91
    English 241 6.7 482 6.8 613 10.8 316 1.94
    French (except Basque) 52 1.5 326 4.6 251 4.4 0 0.00
    French Canadian 0 0.0 39 0.5 0 0.0 16,322 100.00
    German 320 8.9 846 11.9 790 14.0 1,792 10.98
    Greek 0 0.0 0 0.0 100 1.8 35 0.21
    Hungarian 17 0.5 0 0.0 21 0.4 33 0.20
    Irish 283 7.9 656 9.2 146 2.6 28 0.17
    Italian 170 4.7 205 2.9 146 2.6 259 1.59
    Lithuanian 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1,336 8.19
    Norwegian 31 0.9 56 0.8 0 0.0 629 3.85
    Polish 56 1.6 138 1.9 46 0.8 39 0.24
    Portuguese 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1,956 11.98
    Russian 0 0.0 23 0.3 50 0.9 100 0.61
    Scotch-Irish 147 4.1 211 3.0 33 0.6 38 0.23
    Scottish 235 6.6 159 2.2 72 1.3 1,085 6.65
    Slovak 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 521 3.19
    Subsaharan African 121 3.4 202 2.8 205 3.6 0 0.00
    Swedish 0 0.0 126 1.8 129 2.3 87 0.53
    Swiss 16 0.4 0 0.0 0 0.0 240 1.47
    Ukrainian 0 0.0 0 0.0 26 0.5 0 0.00
    Welsh 0 0.0 36 0.5 18 0.3 73 0.45
    West Indian (excluding Hispanic origin groups) 10 0.3 0 0.0 49 0.9 391 2.40
Data Source: 2010 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates
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