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School District Ranking Table Notes and Usage

This section provides information about using the school district ranking table (, also available in Excel and shapefile structure.

For best results, it is important that the ranking table Webpage be viewed using Internet Explorer.

About these data. School districts with more than 2,500 enrollment (2005-06) are included in the ranking table (3,939 school districts of the total 14,693 districts).

These data were developed based on data as of the 2005-06 school year, becoming available for all school districts in July 2007. The next update is expected in the summer 2008.

The size of the ranking table results in the sorting process to require a few minutes. Please wait.

Header names and description

Name -- School district name.

Enrl9900 -- enrollment in the 1999-2000 school year

Enrl0506 -- enrollment in the 2005-2006 school year

EnrlChg -- enrollment change from 1999-2000 to 2005-2006

Enrl%Chg -- enrollment percent change from 1999-2000 to 2005-2006

Fields(columns) in Excel and shapefile dbase files (includes more fields that ranking table)

STAB -- state abbreviation
DISTNAME -- school district name
SCH9900 -- schools, 1999-2000 school year
SCH0001 -- schools, 2000-2001 school year
SCH0102 -- schools, 2001-2002 school year
SCH0203 -- schools, 2002-2003 school year
SCH0304 -- schools, 2003-2004 school year
SCH0405 -- schools, 2004-2005 school year
SCH0506 -- schools, 2005-2006 school year
STDIST -- state FIPS code (2) + Federal school district code (5)
STD9900 -- students, 1999-2000 school year
STD0001 -- students, 2000-2001 school year
STD0102 -- students, 2001-2002 school year
STD0203 -- students, 2002-2003 school year
STD0304 -- students, 2003-2004 school year
STD0405 -- students, 2004-2005 school year
STD0506 -- students, 2005-2006 school year
C99000506 -- enrollment change, 1999-2000 to 2005-06
P99000506 -- percent enrollment change, 1999-2000 to 2005-06
TYPE0506 -- school district type:
  1 Regular local school district not part of a supervisory union.
  2 Local school district that is part of supervisory union.
  3 Supervisory union administrative center or county superintendents office.
  4 Regional education services agency.
  5 State agency charged with providing el-sec instruction in a specific population.
  6 Federal agency charged with providing instruction.
  7 Other agencies.
CHARSTATUS -- Charter status:
  1 All associated schools are charter
  2 All associated schools are charter and non-charter
  3 All associated schools are non-charter.
LOGR0506 -- Low grade 2005-06 school year
HIGR0506 -- High grade 2005-06 school year
STAGENCYID -- state agency code, 2005-06 school year
LOCALE0506 -- Locale code 2005-06 school year
  Geographic location and population attributes such as density:
  1 large city
  2 mid-size city
  3 fringe of large city
  4 fringe of mid-size city
  5 large town   6 small town
  7 rural, outside CBSA/MSA
  8 rural, inside CBSA/MSA
  N not available
TOTDPL0506 -- students who received a diploma during previous school year (2004-05) or summer
TOTOTH0506 -- students who received a certificate of attendance/completion in lieu of diploma during previous school year (2004-05) or summer
STCTY -- State FIPS code plus County FIPS code for the county in which the district is located (or a primary county if the district is located in more than one county).

Special codes.
M: alphanumeric data are missing in a field -- a value is expected but none was provided.
N: alphanumeric data are not applicable -- a value is not applicable for this agency for this field.
-1: numeric data are missing in a field -- a value is expected but none was provided.
-2: numeric data are not applicable -- a value is not applicable for this agency for this field.

More detailed data, and data organized in different ways, are available from Proximity. Contact us and tell us about your needs.

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