Feature Names Relationship File Record Layout


Feature Names Layout (dbf only)


The Feature Names relationship file contains a record for each feature name-edge combination, and includes the feature name attributes. The edge to which a Feature Names relationship file record applies can be determined by linking to the All Lines shapefile on the permanent edge identifier (ID) attribute. Multiple Feature Names relationship table records can link to the same edge. For example, a road edge could link to U.S. Hwy 22 and Rathburn Road. The linear feature to which the feature name applies is identified by the linear feature identifier (LINEARID) attribute. Multiple feature names may exist for the same edge. Linear features are not included in the data set, but could be constructed using the All Lines shapefile and the relationship tables. Note that the FCC in this relationship file refers to the specific Feature Class Code associated with this linear feature and feature name. If the edge is both a road and a rail feature, the name associated with the rail feature will carry a rail feature FCC. If there are any address ranges on the edge, they apply only to the designated street features.



Feature Names Relationship File Record Layout
tl_year_[state-county FIPS]_featnames.dbf
TLID10IntegerPermanent edge ID
FULLNAME100StringConcatenation of expanded text for prefix qualifier, prefix direction, prefix type, base name, suffix type, suffix direction, and suffix qualifier (as available) with a space between each expanded text field
NAME100StringBase name portion of the standardized name
PREDIRABRV15StringPrefix direction description component of the feature name
PRETYPABRV50StringPrefix Type Description component of the feature name
PREQUALABR15StringPrefix qualifier description component of the feature name
SUFDIRABRV15StringSuffix direction description component of the feature name
SUFTYPABRV50StringSuffix Type Description component of the feature name
SUFQUALABR15StringSuffix qualifier description component of the feature name
PREDIR2StringPrefix direction code component of the feature name
PRETYP3StringPrefix type code description component of the feature name
PREQUAL2StringPrefix qualifier code component of the feature name
SUFDIR2StringSuffix direction code component of the feature name
SUFTYP3StringSuffix type code description component of the feature name
SUFQUAL2StringSuffix qualifier code component of the feature name
LINEARID22StringLinear feature identifier
MTFCC5StringMAF/TIGER feature class code
PAFLAG1StringPrimary/alternate flag


version 2

ID10IntegerPermanent edge ID
FULLNAME100StringConcatenation of expanded text for prefix qualifier, prefix direction, prefix type, base name, suffix type, suffix direction, and suffix qualifier (as available) with a space between each expanded text field
NAME100StringBase name portion of the standardized name
PREDIRABRV15StringPrefix direction description component of the feature name
PRETYPABRV50StringPrefix type description component of the feature name
PREQUALABR15StringPrefix qualifier description component of the feature name
SUFDIRABRV15StringSuffix direction description component of the feature name
SUFTYPABRV50StringSuffix type description component of the feature name
SUFQUALABR15StringSuffix qualifier description component of the feature name
PREDIR2StringPrefix direction code component of the feature name
PRETYP3StringPrefix type code description component of the feature name
PREQUAL2StringPrefix qualifier code component of the feature name
SUFDIR2StringSuffix direction code component of the feature name
SUFTYP3StringSuffix type code description component of the feature name
SUFQUAL2StringSuffix qualifier code component of the feature name
LINEARID22StringLinear feature identifier
FCC5StringFeature class code
PAFLAG1StringPrimary/alternate flag

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