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Hawaii Place Demographics
  -- interactive data access using Google API

Use the interactive map shown here to access city/place demographics for Hawaii Census Designated Places (see additional information about Hawaii CDPs). The map shows places represented as red and blue markers, located at the place centroid, in context of Maui County, Hawaii.

Operation. Pan/drag map with the hand tool. Use the - and + buttons to zoom-out and zoom-in. All Hawaii counties and all Hawaii CDPs are included. Mouse hover on a marker to view the place name. Click a marker to view mini html table. Click on a link in the mini html table to view a new Web page showing demographics for that place. Click the X by the mini html page to close it.

Red and Blue Markers Blue markers are used for places with 20,000 population or more. Red markers are used for places with less than 20,000 population. Both red and blue markers provide access to four types of Census 2000 demographic profiles. An additional set of four links are provided for larger places (blue markers). The additional data (four lower links in the mini-html) are American Community Survey 2005-07 20,000 population threshold estimates released in December 2008.

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