School District Population by Age and Enrollment Universe
Mountain View Whisman Elementary School District, CA (0626280)
TotalAge 0-19Age 0-4Age 5-9Age 10-14Age 15-17Age 18-19
Census 2010 65,635 13,873 4,777 3,480 2,728 1,763 1,125
ACS 2010 63,271 12,545 4,315 3,305 2,940 1,840 150
    Grade Relevant 5,855 5,855 60 3,175 2,620 0 0
        Enrolled 5,660 5,660 60 3,005 2,590 0 0
            Public 4,480 4,480 45 2,340 2,090 0 0
            Private 1,180 1,180 15 665 500 0 0
        Not Enrolled 195 195 0 170 30 0 0
Source: ProximityOne; ACS 2010 SDST; U.S. Dept. Education; Census Bureau.
Total population: all ages
Total children: ages 0-19; 18 & 19 not high school graduate
Grade relevant children: subset of Total Children: ages relating to grades where instruction provided by district