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Census 2000 Data Access and Use
    Summary File 2
    -- an information resource developed and maintained by Warren Glimpse

Overview. The Census 2000 Summary File 2 (SF2) contains the 100-percent data (summary data tabulated from the questions asked of all people and about every housing unit). Population items include sex, age, race, Hispanic or Latino, household relationship, and group quarters. Housing items include occupancy status, vacancy status, and tenure (owner occupied or renter occupied). SF 2 includes population characteristics, such as sex by age, average household size, household type, relationship by household type (including living alone), unmarried-partner households, nonrelatives by household type, and own children under 18 years by family type and age.

SF2 includes housing characteristics, such as tenure, tenure by age of householder, and tenure by household size for occupied housing units.

Data are provided in 36 population tables 11 housing tables, identified with ‘‘PCT ’’and ‘‘HCT,’’ respectively. Each table is iterated for 250 population groups: the total population, 132 race groups, 78 American Indian and Alaska Native tribe categories (reflecting 39 individual tribes), and 39 Hispanic or Latino groups. Availability of SF2 data for any of the 250 population groups is subject to meeting a population threshold of 100 or more people. If there are fewer than 100 people in a specific population group in a specific geographic area, their population and housing characteristics data are not available for that geographic area in SF2.

Release date: February 2002 - May 2002

Note: This page is a secondary/focus section on Summary File 2. The main Census 2000 Data Access and Use page is located at

Select a topic:
  •   Documentation
  •   Census Bureau CD-ROM SF2 dBASE Structure
  •   SF2 ASCII Data via Census Web Server
  •   SF2 ASCII Conversion to dBase
  •   SF2 Automated Integration into Shapefile DBFs

Summary File Documentation. The Summary File 2 documentation is available in PDF format. Click here to access the Summary File 2 Technical Documentation.

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Summary File 2 DBF (dBase IV) Structure. Summary File dBase file structural data/layouts are now available in one zip files. These files do not contain data but describe/document the manner in which the SF2 data are organized and named in dBase IV structure.

The file structures provided here will be useful to 1) persons who need to understand the table layout and structure that will be used in accessing these data when they become available and 2) persons who need to develop software or have related needs.

The files sf2geo.dbf, sf2001.dbf, sf2002.dbf, sf2003.dbf, sf2004.dbf provide the structure for the geographic segment and the 4 dBase statistical data files.

The dBASE IV file tables.dbf provides a listing of the "data dictionary" for Summary File 2, identifying table names, numbers, and corresponding item names and numbers.

Users of these data in a typical "table display application" will see demographic data that are contained in the 4 SF2 dBase files displayed with the corresponding stubs found in the tables.dbf. The tables.dbf file and the SF2 4 data segment files are linked via common subject matter fieldnames (the dBase item "FIELDNUM") and the dBASE item "SEG".

For those less familiar with with the census-related concept of a table, the following selected records from the file TABLE.DBF describe the table layout/structure of Summary File 2 Table P013.

PCT004                PCT004      MEDIAN AGE BY SEX [3]  
PCT004                            Universe: Total Population
PCT004                            Median age--
PCT004      PCT004001                   Both sexes               
PCT004      PCT004002                   Male 
PCT004      PCT004003                   Female

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Summary File 2 ASCII File Access via Census Web Server. The Summary File 2 data are available on a state-by-state flow basis in ASCII structure via the Census Webserver. Download these files to your computer using software such as wsftp and connecting to the server at

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Convert Summary File 2 ASCII to DBF. Using the Proximity ASC2DBF software Version 2, you can convert the Summary File 2 (SF2) ASCII data, downloaded free from the Census Web server, to dBase structure on your computer. Options include:

  1. select entire SF2 segments (corresponding to 4 data segments),
  2. select only individual data fields or tables that you need,
  3. select (using a button option) the "demographic profiles" data items, or
  4. convert the entire SF2 data for a state.

Option 2 enables you to quickly get just the data that you need for analyses.

Option 3 enables you to access the most widely used set of SF2 data.

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Integrate Summary File 2 Data into Your Map Files. Using the Proximity Cen2Shp software, you will be able to automatically integrate ASC2DBF SF1 or SF2 dBASE files into shape file dbf's. Easy as 1-2-3 ...

  1. ASC2DBF conversion to SF2 dBASE file
  2. download free map files in shape file format
  3. Use Cen2Shp to integrate the data in the SF2 dBASE file into the corresponding map shape file dbf (details explained in Cen2Shp documentation).

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