Click the Label tab at the top of the form. The Label settings tab panel appears.
Labels are Section specific. If more than one section has been defined, label settings must be created for each section.
Label Tab Panels enable different attributes of labeling:
• | Label>Label -- select the field name to be used for the label and set label properties |
• | Label>Outline -- once a label field name has been selected, set attributes of the object outline |
• | Label>Smart Size -- once a label field name has been selected, optionally set font size based on data values. |
• | Label>Position -- once a label field name has been selected, set label position and viewing options |
Field: The shapefile dbf field name for the Label (selected in the dropdown box beneath Field in the above form).
To determine what field names are available and how they are defined requires knowing what attributes have been defined in the shapefile dbf.
To apply a label field selection, click OK and the map reappears. Labels apply to each section defined as a visible query.
With the Field selected, other attributes may be set:
Width: Width of the label text as displayed in map view. Default value recommended.
Height: Height of label text as displayed in the map view. Default value recommended,
Color: Background color used in label display. Set this value to black for no color. Default value recommended.
Pattern: Set this value to Transparent for Color to only show immediately around the label character (as if shadowing each character in the label. Set this value to Solid to fill the label "box" with the Color. Transparent recommended.
Font: Select label font attributes. Arial 8 regular black recommended.
Style: Clear, solid, dash, etc. form of outline. Clear recommended.
Width: Width of outline. 0.1 recommended.
Color: Color of outline. Black recommended.
Label>Smart Size
Use to set size of marker based on value of numeric field.
Click the Position subtab to select label position settings. Defaults are:
Position: Position determines where the label will be placed relative to the object being labeled. Check the applicable checkbox for the preferred location.
Alignment: Alignment determines how the label will appear.
Single line: text that does not fit on single line will be truncated.
Left justify: text is left justified
Center: text is centered and wrapped
Right justify: text is right justified
Follow: applicable only to lines (streets) and then follows direction of line, lies on line with offset.
Avoid overlap: If checked, labels that would otherwise overlap other labels will not be shown.
Avoid duplicates: If checked, duplicate labels will not be shown.
Include in legend: Only used with test applications.
Visible: If checked, the labels will be shown in map view.