The start-up CVGIS Project (c:\cvgis\1\cvgis1.gis) includes these layers/files:
Name | Description | Dataset |
States | U.S. by State | c:\cvgis\1\cb_2015_us_state_500k.shp |
CSAs | U.S. by CSA | c:\cvgis\1\cb_2015_us_csa_500k.shp |
MSAs | U.S. by CBSA | c:\cvgis\1\cb_2015_us_cbsa_500k.shp |
Primary Roads | U.S. Primary Roads | c:\cvgis\1\tl_2015_us_primaryroads.shp |
Places 5,000+ | U.S. Cities/Places | c:\cvgis\1\places2015pts.shp |
Counties | U.S. by County | c:\cvgis\1\cb_2015_us_county_500k.shp |
Counties Names | U.S. by County | c:\cvgis\1\cb_2015_us_county_500k.shp |
Counties Code | U.S. by County | c:\cvgis\1\cb_2015_us_county_500k.shp |
County %PopChg | U.S. by Census Tract | c:\cvgis\1\cb_2015_us_county_500k.shp |
Base Layer | OpenStreetMaps Tiles | c:\cvgis\1\mapquest openstreetmaps tiles.ttkwp |
World States | World by Country by State | c:\cvgis\1\world_states_provinces.shp |
World Countries | World by Country | c:\cvgis\1\world_countries.shp |
States | U.S. by State | c:\cvgis\1\cb_2015_us_state_500k.shp |
See more about the start-up project and other projects in the CVGIS Projects section.