The S&O Core Database is comprised of demographic-economic data starting 2010 and continuing through the most recent update.
Developed by ProximityOne integrating multi-sourced data.
Geography available: census tract up; varies by subject matter.
Timeframe: historical data 2010 through the most recent update; updated continuously.
As an example, data from American Community Survey (ACS) are added to the database two times annually (1 year estimates in September and 5 year estimates in December). These data are used with ProximityOne models and software to develop "Outlook Series" estimates and projections datasets. The annual, historical ACS data in the S&O Core Database generally differ in data values as compared to corresponding subject matter in the "Outlook Series" datasets.
As a further example, the ACS 2017 5-year county income estimates released in December 2018 are estimates for the respondent/survey period 2013-2017 and are included in the Core Database. Users have access to the unedited data as released. While the "Outlook Series" estimates and projections are developed using these data, the S&O 2017 estimate is as of July 2017 whereas the ACS 2017 5-year estimates are for the period 2013-117 and centric to mid-2015. Generalizing, the ACS 2017 5-year estimates are "two years older" than the S&O 2017 estimate.
It is important not to confuse the reference to ACS 5-year estimates and S&O 5-year projections.
ACS is one of many multi-sourced data included in the Core Database.