U.S. K-12 Public Schools Characteristics; SY 2013-14


This section describes the U.S. K-12 Public Schools file structure (school year 2013-14 data)

The U.S. national scope flat file includes one record for each school.

The default file structure is Excel XLSX.


Data Item/Fields

 Item DescriptionItemNameNotesFormat
YearYEAR  C,4,0
Federal School IDSCHOOLID  C,12,0
State FIPS CodeFIPST   C,2,0
Federal School District CodeLEAID  C,7,0
Federal School CodeSCHNO  C,5,0
State education agency codeSTID  C,14,0
State school codeSEASCH  C,20,0
Education agency nameLEANM  C,60,0
School nameNAME  C,50,0
TelephonePHONE  C,10,0
Mailing streetADDR  C,30,0
Mailing cityCITY  C,25,0
Mailing state STAB  C,2,0
Mailing ZIP5ZIP  C,5,0
Mailing ZIP+4ZIP4   C,4,0
Location streetADDRL  C,30,0
Location cityCITYL  C,25,0
Location stateSTABL  C,2,0
Location ZIP5ZIPL  C,5,0
Location ZIP+4ZIP4L  C,4,0
  1 = Regular school
  2 = Special education school
  3 = Vocational school
  4 = Other/alternative school
  5 = Reportable program
TYPE  C,1,0
Operational status
  1 = operational at the time of the last report and is currently operational.
  2 = closed since the time of the last report.
  3 = opened since the time of the last report.
  4 = in existence, but not reported in a previous year and is now being added.
  5 = listed in previous year as being affiliated with a different education agency.
  6 = temporarily closed and may reopen within three years.
  7 = scheduled to be operational within two years.
  8 = closed on a previous year’s file but has reopened.
STATUS   C,1,0
Locale code
where UA: Urbanized Area; UC: Urban Cluster; PC: Principal City
  11 = City, Large: area inside UA & inside PC & population >= 250,000.
  12 = City, Midsize: area inside UA & inside PC & population 100,000-250,000.
  13 = City, Small: area inside UA & inside PC & population < 100,000.
  21 = Suburb, Large: area outside PC & inside UA & population >= 250,000.
  22 = Suburb, Midsize: area outside PC & inside UA & population 100,000-250,000.
  23 = Suburb, Small: area outside PC & inside UA & population < 100,000.
  31 = Town, Fringe: area inside UC that is <= 10 miles from UA.
  32 = Town, Distant: area inside UC that is 10-35 miles from UA.
  33 = Town, Remote: area inside UC that is > 35 miles from UA.
  41 = Rural, Fringe: non-urban area <= 5 miles from UA & <= 2.5 miles from UC
  42 = Rural, Distant: non-urban area 5-25 miles from UA & 2.5-10 miles from UC
  43 = Rural, Remote: non-urban area >= 25 miles from UA & >= 10 miles from UC
LatitudeLATITUDE  N,12,6
LongitudeLONGITUDE  N,12,6
County FIPS codeCONUM  C,5,0
County nameCONAME  C,33,0
Congressional DistrictCDCODE  C,4,0
Bureau of Indian Education codeBIES  C,1,0
Reconstituted yearRECONSTY   C,4,0
Reconstituted flagRECONSTF   C,1,0
Total full-time-equivalent classroom teachersFTE   N,9,2
Low grade offeredGSLO  C,2,0
High grade offeredGSHI  C,2,0
Prekindergarten offeredPKO  C,1,0
Kindergarten offeredKGO  C,1,0
1st grade offeredG01O  C,1,0
2nd grade offeredG02O  C,1,0
3rd offeredG03O  C,1,0
4th offeredG04O  C,1,0
5th grade offeredG05O  C,1,0
6th grade offeredG06O  C,1,0
7th grade offeredG07O  C,1,0
8th grade offeredG08O  C,1,0
9th grade offeredG09O  C,1,0
10th grade offeredG10O  C,1,0
11th grade offeredG11O  C,1,0
12th grade offeredG12O  C,1,0
Ungraded offeredUGO  C,1,0
School level
  1 = Primary (low grade = PK through 03; high grade = PK through 08)
  2 = Middle (low grade = 04 through 07; high grade = 04 through 09)
  3 = High (low grade = 07 through 12; high grade = 12 only)
  4 = Other (any other configuration not falling within the above three categories, including ungraded)
LEVEL  N,9,0
Title I school status
  1 = School eligible for Title I Targeted Assistance (TAS) but provides no program
  2 = School eligible for Title I Targeted Assistance (TAS) and provides TAS program
  3 = School eligible for Title I Schoolwide program (SWP) and provides TAS program
  4 = School eligible for Title I Schoolwide program (SWP) but provides no program
  5 = School eligible for Title I Schoolwide program (SWP) and provides Title I Schoolwide program
  6 = School not eligible for either Title I Targeted Assistance (TAS) or Schoolwide program
Title I Eligible School TITLEI  N,9,0
School-wide Title ISTITLI  N,9,0
Magnet school
Special school designed to attract students of different race/ethnicity to reduce, prevent, eliminate racial isolation or provide academic/social focus on a particular theme.
  1 = Yes
  2 = No
Charter school
School that provides free elementary and/or secondary education to eligible students under a specific charter granted by the state legislature or other appropriate authority.
  1 = Yes
  2 = No
Shared time school SHARED  N,9,0
Students eligible to participate in the Free Lunch Program under the National School Lunch ActFRELCH  N,9,0
Students eligible to participate in the Reduced-Price Lunch Program under the National School Lunch ActREDLCH  N,9,0
Students free lunch eligible and reduced-price lunch eligibleTOTFRL   N,9,0
Race/ethnicities categories indicatorRACECAT  N,9,0
Prekindergarten studentsPK  N,9,0
Kindergarten studentsKG  N,9,0
Grade 1 studentsG01   N,9,0
Grade 2 studentsG02   N,9,0
Grade 3 studentsG03  N,9,0
Grade 4 studentsG04   N,9,0
Grade 5 studentsG05  N,9,0
Grade 6 studentsG06  N,9,0
Grade 7 studentsG07  N,9,0
Grade 8 studentsG08  N,9,0
Grade 9 studentsG09   N,9,0
Grade 10 studentsG10   N,9,0
Grade 11 studentsG11  N,9,0
Grade 12 studentsG12   N,9,0
Ungraded studentsUG  N,9,0
Total students, all gradesSTUDENTS  N,9,0
American Indian/Alaska Native studentsAIAN  N,9,0
American Indian/Alaska Native students, maleAIANM  N,9,0
American Indian/Alaska Native students, femaleAIANF  N,9,0
Asian studentsASIAN  N,9,0
Asian students, maleASIANM  N,9,0
Asian students, femaleASIANF  N,9,0
Hispanic studentsHISPANIC  N,9,0
Hispanic students, maleHISPANICM  N,9,0
Hispanic students, femaleHISPANICF  N,9,0
Black, non-Hispanic studentsBLACK  N,9,0
Black, non-Hispanic students, maleBLACKM  N,9,0
Black, non-Hispanic students, femaleBLACKF  N,9,0
White, non-Hispanic studentsWHITE  N,9,0
White, non-Hispanic students, maleWHITEM  N,9,0
White, non-Hispanic students, femaleWHITEF  N,9,0
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander studentsNHPI  N,9,0
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students, maleNHPIM  N,9,0
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students, femaleNHPIF  N,9,0
Two or more races studentsTRACES  N,9,0
Two or more races students, maleTRACESM  N,9,0
Two or more races students, femaleTRACESF  N,9,0


Handling of data items without a positive reported data value.

All data elements are either completed by the state or have been filled with a “0,” “-1,” “-2,” “-9,” “M,” or “N.”


0 - There are no occurrences of this data element. A value was expected and measured, but there were no cases in the category.

-- For example, a high school having no 12th graders would report 0.


M (or -1 for numeric values) - Data are missing. A value was expected and none was measured.

-- For example, a school that has at least one 12th grader but cannot measure the number of 12th graders would report -1.


N (or -2 for numeric values) - Data are not applicable. A value was neither expected nor measured.

-- For example, an elementary school would report -2 for 12th graders.

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