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Urban Dynamics

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While the term "urban" has a well understood generic meaning, for analytical purposes it is important to have a more concrete definition.  In this document, urban/rural nomenclature follows the Census Bureau definition of urban. For and since Census 2000, urban areas are defined as all territory, population, and housing units located within urbanized areas (UAs) and urban clusters (UCs).  The definition extends to the census block geographic level. While "places" are areas of population concentration, many places contain areas that are not urban.  


Hawaii Urban Areas Included in ACS 3-Year/20,000 Population Tabulations


Hilo, HI Urban Cluster

Honolulu, HI Urbanized Area  (both 1 Year and 3 Year)

Kahului, HI Urban Cluster

Kailua (Hawaii County)--Holualoa, HI Urban Cluster

Kailua (Honolulu County)--Kaneohe, HI Urbanized Area  both 1 Year and 3 Year)

Kihei, HI Urban Cluster

Pukalani--Makawao--Haiku-Pauwela, HI Urban Cluster


The following maps show UA locations for UAs included in the ACS estimates program.


Hawaii County Urban Areas

Honolulu County Urban Areas

Kauai County Urban Areas

Maui County Urban Areas



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