Modeler Software


Modeler Software


ProximityOne uses the Modeler software to develop Situation & Outlook estimates and projections. The Modeler software is a generalized predictive analytics tool. Modeler integrates user specified cause and effect models with associated datasets and estimates/projection methods. "Run" Modeler with alternative scenario models to examine multiple "what-if" outcomes.  Integrate policy tools, marketing/sales specifications to assess what, when and where what outcomes will be impacted and by how much.


Single User.  Windows Desktop Edition.  Contact us (888.364.7656) for multi-user/site licensing information.


Modeler -- Predictive Analytics
Item Description Price Click to Order
ModelerL1 U.S. by State Demographic Projections to 2040
.. ready to use L1 dataset & model
.. user can change model, vary assumptions
ModelerL2 U.S. by State, Metro, County Demographic-Economic Projections to 2021
.. ready to use L2 dataset & model
.. user can change model, vary assumptions

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