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SDDB User Notes Summary  N-16--Top100 Database Usage Notes  N-15--Installation on Pentium II Machines  N-14--Replacement SDDB Index Database  N-13--Use of F2 Key for Repeated Profiles  N-12--Use of Profile 101 and 102 with State and U.S. Summaries  N-11--Universe Reference Error for Table PS-P311  N-10--School District Boundary Files Now Online  N-09--Some New Jersey SDDB CD-ROMs Have Faulty Install Software  N-08--Changing SDDB CD-ROMs  N-07--Reinstalling SDDB Demographic CD-ROMs  N-06--Revised State by District Boundary Files  N-05--1995 TIGER Files to reflect Some School District Changes  N-04--Using SDDB State-by-District Multi-Volume CD-ROMs.  N-03--Some Summary Statistical Files Excluded from Some SDDB CD-ROMs  N-02--Some State-by-District Map Files Yet to Come N-16--Top 100 Database Usage Notes go to top
It has been found that, depending on the configuration of computers operating with Windows 95 Version B, the SDDB install operation might not work correctly and a "Run-time Error 200" message might be issued. Presently there is not an upgrade available to remedy this situation and the system must be installed "manually." Watch this section for further information on this subject. N-14--Replacement SDDB Index Database go to top Download the updated SDDB index database to correct for table display errors that have been located in selected PT (all persons record 2B) table displays. Once the self-unarchiving file named sddb1095.exe has been downloaded, unarchive the file into your existing SDDB hard disk directory. When the file is unarchived, the files SDDB.DBF and SDDBSPS3.NDX will be replaced in your existing hard disk directory. N-13--Use of F2 Key for Repeated Profiles go to top There are a few districts identified as districts for the Census Mapping Project (CMP) which are not districts as identified in the NCES Common Core of Data (CCD). An example of this situation is Camp LeJuene, SC. This situation occurs where some military bases have been coded as one or more districts and in a few other situations. Identify these districts, districts existing as CMP districts but
not as CCD districts, by viewing the list of districts to select
from within the SDDB Select District menu. Such districts will
show a zero in the highlight summary at the bottom of the screen
for the number of students, schools and teachers. Accordingly,
displays of these districts will not contain CCD nor F33 data
(the data were never developed). Consider the situation where you have retrieved and are viewing
a profile, e.g., Profile 001, and now wish to get a second
profile for that same geography. If the F2 function key is used
to retrieve a second profile, and if the primary area is a CMP
coded area which is not a valid CCD code, the second profile
will be retrieved, incorrectly, for another area. A temporary solution to the problem described here is as follows.
Do not use the F2 key for CMP-but-not-CCD districts, proceeding
to the Profiles and Tables menu and reselecting the geography
before a second profile is retrieved. Suggestion. If you desire to build a set of all six basic
profiles for an area, you can save each one to a file name of
your choice (using the F6 key when the profile displays).
Then, exit SDDB and use an editor of your choice to assemble
all six profiles and paginate with headers, footers or other
text of your choice. N-12--Use of Profile 101 and 102 with State and U.S. Summaries go to top When Profile 102 is requested with the primary area being a state or the U.S., incorrect summaries are produced for the primary area. Comparison areas 1 and 2 are correctly displayed in all cases. The reason for the error is a computation property of the software under a certain condition. The software assumes (incorrectly) that the primary area will always be a district for purposes of treatment of interschool transfers. Interschool transfers (expenditures and revenues) should be used in the additive computation of total expenditures and total revenues only if the area is a district. In the case of the primary area, no check is made to determine if the area is a district or a state. As a result, when the primary area is a state or the U.S., the interschool transfer data is incorrectly included in the computation. As a temporary fix, remedy this problem by not using a state or the U.S. as the "primary" area. N-11--Universe Reference Error for Table PS-P311 go to top There is an error in the way that the universe of tabulation is titled for the total persons table PS-P311. The data are correct, but the universe title has not been fully described in the data dictionary released with the CD-ROM. The universe title is stated as: "Persons less than 20 years". The universe is actually: "Persons less that 20 years, for whom poverty status is determined". Table P311 is designed to be a companion table for analysis with Table P312 which provides data on the number of persons in poverty by age. N-9--Some New Jersey SDDB CD-ROMs Have Faulty Install Software go to top We have found that the New Jersey SDDB CD-ROMs (SDDB-39) have flawed install software. Our tests with the data have revealed no problems. It appears the problem was introduced during the mastering for replication as the original master developed by MESA works properly. The New Jersey SDDB CD-ROM can be used but the SDDB must be installed using another SDDB demographic CD (such as the SDDB-01). Follow these steps: (1) Install the system using the SDDB-01. (2) After the install, insert the New Jersey CD-ROM. (3) Edit the hard disk file named \SDDB\SDDB.CFG. In lines 8 and 9, change the reference to US to NJ. (4) Copy the new SDDB control files from the CD-ROM to hard disk. D:\SDDB\>COPY E:\SDDB\NJCTL.* (5) Start SDDB.
N-8--Changing SDDB CD-ROMs
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If you have installed an SDDB demographic CD-ROM, e.g., SDDB-01,
and now wish to use another demographic CD-ROM, e.g., SDDB-34NC,
you do not need to re-install the system. Simply make these
changes, using an example where the hard disk is D, the CD-ROM
drive is E, the previous installed demographic CD-ROM is SDDB-01,
and the demographic CD to be used is for North Carolina
(1) Edit the hard disk file named \SDDB\SDDB.CFG.
In lines 8 and 9, change the reference to US to NC.
(2) Copy the new SDDB control files from the CD-ROM to hard disk.
N-7--Reinstalling SDDB Demographic CD-ROMs
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If you have experienced problems installing the SDDB demographic
CD-ROMs, the most likely explanation is that the system was
incompletely installed. Before you reinstall the system, two
directories must be deleted along with their subdirectories and
contents. Assuming that you have not added anything that should
not be deleted from these directories, issue the following commands
before reinstalling:
D:\>DELTREE SDDB D:\>DELTREE IMAGE3A After removing these directories, proceed with the reinstall.
N-5--1995 TIGER Files to reflect Some School District Changes
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The Census Bureau is now in the process of preparing another set
of public use TIGER/line files. These files are expected to be
on CD-ROM in an archived file structure possibly as early as April.
The new TIGER files will feature revisions for known school
district coding, and hence boundary, errors. However, the files
continue to reflect the district boundaries as of the date of the
Census. In the case of California, mapping was completed for
several counties which were not coded for school districts in the
previous TIGER/Line files. The files may be distributed on as few
as six CD-ROMs. A new set of demographic tabulations is also
underway reflective of the revised boundaries with a few new
subject matter items. More information about these files
will soon be available on this service.
N-4--Using SDDB State-by-District Multi-Volume CD-ROMs.
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Multi-volume SDDB State-by-District CD-ROMs
exist because the Census master file for the subject state is too large to be
wholly contained on one CD-ROM. In such instances, a second
CD-ROM (three in the case of Texas) is required. As a result,
the first disc contains one set of districts and the other disc contains the remaining districts.
States requiring two
or more CD-ROMs, and the district code break point (districts are organized in sort order by district code,
not spelling of the district name), are as follows:
* "District" code 00000 is the state. The state detail data for
state multi-volume CD-ROMs are contained on the first CD-ROM
only. For all SDDB demographic CD-ROMs, geographic areas are organized sequentially as follows: the state, counties in
ascending order by county FIPS code, districts in ascending
order by Census Mapping district code.
If you are experiencing difficulty in use of multi-volume
state by district SDDB CD-ROMs, refer to the checklist of operations
that follows.
When using SDDB for a state contained on 2 or more CD-ROMs, review the following checklist if you are having difficulty in
accessing data. For illustration, assume that you are processing the
New York state 2-volume CD-ROM set, your installed hard disk drive is D, your CD-ROM drive is E and the New York volume one disc (SDDB-37) is loaded in the CD-ROM drive.
1. Verify that you are using SDDB version 1.1.
From the SDDB Main Menu press the F4 key. A message
will show you the SDDB software version number. The version must be 1.1 or
higher. If it is not, issue the following DOS instruction:
D:\SDDB>copy e:\sddb\*.exe 2. Verify that the SDDB.CFG Configuration File.
Lines 8 and 9 in the file named SDDB.CFG located in D:\SDDB must
appear as follows if you are using the volume one CD (SDDB-37):
E:\ny.dat Lines 8 and 9 in the file named SDDB.CFG located in D:\SDDB must
appear as follows if you are using the volume two CD (SDDB-38):
E:\ny1.dat 3. Verify Required Control Files in D:\SDDB.
If you are using the volume one CD (SDDB-37),
the following files must exist in the D:\SDDB directory:
NYCTL.DBF If you are using the volume one CD (SDDB-38), the following files must exist in the D:\SDDB directory:
NY1CTL.DBF If the required files are missing,
copy them from the CD-ROM with the DOS command:
D:\SDDB>copy e:\sddb\ny*.*
N-3--Some Summary Statistical Files Excluded from Some SDDB CD-ROMs
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SDDB CD-ROMs listed below exclude certain
summary files that are normally included with every demographic CD. This does
not impair usage of the total system as further described below.
N-2--Some State-by-District Map Files Yet to Come
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State by county boundary files are included for all states on each State by district CD-ROM. For some states, the state by district boundary files are also included on each demographic CD-ROM. The following states have the state by district boundary
file included on the demographic CD-ROM: CO, MT, ID, WY, AZ, NM, NV, UT KS, IA,
All state by district boundary files will be available as a composite upgrade following completion of all state by district CD-ROMs.
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