
VDA Desktop Geographic Information System
... visual decision-making information solutions
... easiest to learn and use GIS
... comprehensive geodemographic analysis capabilities

Key Elements About Getting Started


Organization and Use of this Document


Contents Panel at Left on Each Page

Navigate to topics of interest by clicking a topic caption in the Contents panel at the left on each page.

Click the + or - sign by a Contents topic to expand or contract list of sub-topics.

Click Index tab to look up an indexed item of interest.

Click the Search tab to key in a term and search the Guide for information on that topic.


Hide/Show Contents Panel

Click the button at left in the header section to remove viewing of the navigation pane at left.  See pointer in graphic below.

On iPad this button may not be visible, click at that location anyway to produce the same result.


Buttons at Top Right of each Topic Page

Use buttons located at upper right of screen to ... navigate among topics, view topic directory, print a topic, send feedback on a topic, and auto expand/contract toggles for a topic/page.


Button 1 - navigate up the Contents section at left.
Button 2 - navigate down the Contents section at left.
Button 3 - view directory for this topic (not used for most pages in this document)
Button 4 - toggle expanding text for this topic (not used for most pages in this document)
Button 5 - print this topic
Button 6 - send feedback on this topic -- we would like this!!


URL at Bottom of Topic Page

Using most browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari on Mac) the text/link "Generate Permalink or Bookmark Topic" appears at the end of each topic page as shown in the following graphic.


Click this link to use one of three options shown in the next graphic.  Click Copy Permalink to copy the URL for this topic to clipboard.



On iPad, the message Help URL: xxxx appears at the bottom of the topic page.  Clicking and holding the URL generates similar options are reviewed above.


Structural Content Organizational Overview


News & Updates - the Guide options to the news and updates section


Start-Up - displayed to new users installing CV XE.  Summarizes what is included from the VDA Desktop installer.


Navigation - provides an overview of the main components of the VDA Desktop GUI - user interface.


GIS Projects - details about creating and using VDA Desktop projects.


Main Menu Operations - fundamentals about VDA Desktop operations; how to start and use.


Layer Editor - how to edit and manage a layer and its appearance in the map window.


The User Guide and Help resources may be accessed from the CV main menu.  These resources include integrated HTML Help, browser-based Help, and the User Guide PDF which may be printed.



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