How to Locate Congressional Communities (CC’s) Using iVDA

1. Finding a Congressional Community (CC) Based on Address/Location:

Enter an address or location (e.g., "Laguna Beach" without quotes).
The map will zoom in to the corresponding Congressional District (CD) containing the location.
The CD will be crosshatched on the map view, and a blue triangle will appear indicating the address or central point of the associated active layer polygon.

2. Viewing Demographic Profile:

The demographic profile for the CD will appear in the lower left corner.
Explore various demographic subject matter items specific to that CD.

3. Using the Legend Panel:

The Legend Panel appears to the left of the map.
oThe highlighted layer is the active layer, which determine the demographic profile displayed.
Note that the Congressional Community number for the location is 0647001.  This number appears in the profile area next to CCN20, and is displayed on the map because the “Cong Community Code” has an “x” next to it.  Users can toggle between on and off.
Optionally, click on other layers available in the Legend Panel to add additional context.

4. Navigating for Closer Zoom-in:

Navigate closer on the map view for detailed examination as needed.

5. Trying Different Locations:

Experiment with entering different addresses or locations (e.g., "Oahu" or any address of interest).
The view will automatically zoom to the corresponding CD and display the CCs within that area.

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