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  ... Feature Overview

The CV XE GIS installer works for all versions of the CV XE GIS software. A user ID/key enables access to authorized features.

The no fee, no registration version of CV XE GIS is designed to support users of existing GIS projects. This version enables users of pre-existing ProximityOne GIS projects to use those projects without purchasing software. Also, users of the CV XE GIS Level 1, 2 or 3 can create GIS projects and distribute the projects to a set of other users who can use those projects with the no fee, no registration version of CV XE GIS. No User ID/key is required.

CV XE GIS Level 1 includes all of the basic operations needed to use existing projects as well as building your own basic projects. Level 1 users can easily add wide-ranging political/statistical boundary files and integrate wide-ranging small area demographics.
  • Includes:
    - ready-to-use U.S. national scope US1 GIS Project
    - see feature list below.
  • Support by Web and User Guide.

ProximityOne User Group members are provided a User ID/key to unlock selected features of Level 1. These features include the ability to develop and save GIS projects.

CV XE GIS Level 2 includes all Level 1 features and many database tools not available in Level 1. Use the database tools to manage and integrate multi-sourced data. Choose from thousands of small area demographic data and integrate into shapefiles.
  • Includes:
    - Online/API data access to wide-ranging multi-sourced demographic and economic data.
    - ready-to-use U.S. national scope US2 GIS Project
    - ready-to-use World by Country GIS Project
    - see feature list below.
  • Support by Web and User Guide plus e-mail & telephone (annual).
    - plus optional Webinar how-to session focused on your applications.

CV XE GIS Level 3 includes all Level 2 features as well as geocoding, site analysis enhanced, geoeditor and other operations not available in Level 2. Geocode your address data and create your own point shapefiles. Perform enhanced (specialized reports at the block group and census tract level) site analysis to study characteristics of study areas. Use the geoeditor to create and modify point, line and polygon shapefiles.
  Includes U.S. by State & County Trends Project.
  Support by Web and User Guide plus e-mail & telephone (1 year)
  ... plus up to three Webinar how-to sessions focused on your applications.
  ... plus assistance in building your GIS projects.

Summary of Features by Level Feature availability: X: available, E enhanced, O: Optional

  File Feature Level 1Level 2Level 3
    Open ... Shapefile, project, TIGER/Line file or other supported file   X  X  X
    Save Project Save an existing project   X  X  X
    Save Project As Save project as new name   X  X  X
    Close Close open project   X  X  X
    GeoGateway Select from thousands of shapefiles; any/all TIGER/Line files   X  X  X
    APIGateway API subject matter access Census (1990,2000,2010), ACS 2010/++, estimates & projections    O  O
    Add Layer Add shapefile or other type supported layer   X  X  X
    Remove Layer Remove layer   X  X  X
    Edit Project File Start project file editor   X  X  X
    Save Image Save map view to graphic file   X  X  X
    View Image View any graphic file   X  X  X
    Export ... Export shapefile; use query to form selection; modify projection   X  X  X
    Print ... Print map view   X  X  X
    Exit Exit CV   X  X  X

  MapView Feature Level 1Level 2Level 3
    FullExtent Expand map view to full extent   X  X  X
    Zoom Zoom in or out   X  X  X
    Pan/Drag Slide map view using mouse   X  X  X
    Identify Click on any shape to view profile   X  X  X
    Colors Color picker to assign colors   X  X  X
    Layer Editor Start layer editor to modify colors, patterns, labels, etc.   X  X  X

  Database Feature Level 1Level 2Level 3
    dBCreate Create new database structure     X  X
    dBModify Modify database structure     X   X
    dBTools Create structure; rename; zap     X  X
    Xls2Dbf Convert XLS file to DBF structure     X  X
    dBMerge Selectively merge database file fields using flexible match key     X  X
    dBrowser View/modify database files; sort; perform queries; import/export   X  X  X

  AnalyticsFeature Level 1Level 2Level 3
  Site AnalysisSite analysis operations     X  E
  BankMarket Analysis CRA/HMDA analysis & reports; bank customer/market analysis     O  O
  DemographicTrends Demographic trend analysis     X/O  X/O
  SchoolDistrict Analyst Student/School analytical component     O  O
  Workforce Analyst Workforce analytical component     O  O
  Modeler Develop model-based demographic-economic estimates & projections     O  O

  Tools Feature Level 1Level 2Level 3
    Find Shape Perform query on any shapefile; find shape meeting specific criteria   X  X  X
    Add Shapes Add points and polygons       X
    Create Shapefile Point shapefile from XLS file       X
    Extensions Specialized tools     O  O
    Geocoder Address data geocoding; insert latitude-longitude       X
    Summarize Point in polygon analyses; recoding       X
    Shp2Xml Create Google XML file from shapefile     X  X
    GeoEditor Start GeoEditor; Add, modify & delete shapes; Create shapefiles       X
    FindAddress Key in address, view on map, create shapefile   X  X  X

  Options Feature Level 1Level 2Level 3
    SetOptionsSet and save options; settings stored in INI file read at CV start-up  X  X  X

  Help Feature Level 1Level 2Level 3
    ContentsKeyword help   X  X  X
    On the WebWeb-based help   X  X  X
    Glossary Definitions and terms   X  X  X
    About Version/related details   X  X  X

Additional Information
ProximityOne develops geographic-demographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Follow ProximityOne on Twitter at Contact ProximityOne (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest.

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