School District/Education Agency Universe, 2010-11, 2011-12, 2012-13
18,000+ school districts/education agency records
See related interactive table --
Data Item/Fields
Item Description | ItemName | Notes | Format |
Year | YEAR | C,4,0 | |
Federal Local Education Agency ID | LEAID | C,7,0 | |
State FIPS Code | FIPST | C,2,0 | |
State ID for agency. | STID | C,14,0 | |
Name of education agency | NAME | C,60,0 | |
Phone number | PHONE | C,10,0 | |
Mailing address | ADDR | C,30,0 | |
Mailing City | CITY | C,22,0 | |
Mailing State | STAB | C,2,0 | |
Mailing ZIP | ZIP | C,5,0 | |
Mailing ZIP+4 | ZIP4 | C,4,0 | |
Location address | ADDRL | C,30,0 | |
Location City | CITYL | C,22,0 | |
Location State | STABL | C,2,0 | |
Location ZIP | ZIPL | C,5,0 | |
Location ZIP+4 | ZIP4L | C,4,0 | |
1 = Regular local school district. Locally governed agency responsible for providing free public elementary or secondary education; includes independent school districts and those that are a dependent segment of a local government such as a city or county. 2 = Local school district that is a component of a supervisory union. Regular local school district that shares its superintendent and administrative services with other school districts participating in the supervisory union. 3 = Supervisory Union. An education agency that performs administrative services for more than one school district, providing a common superintendent for participating districts. 4 = Regional Education Service Agency. Agency providing specialized education services to a variety of local education agencies, or a county superintendent serving the same purposes. 5 = State-Operated Agency. Agency that is charged, at least in part, with providing elementary and/or secondary instruction or support services. Includes the State Education Agency if this agency operates schools. Examples include elementary/secondary schools operated by the state for the deaf or blind; and programs operated by state correctional facilities. 6 = Federally-Operated Agency. A federal agency that is charged, at least in part, with providing elementary or secondary instruction or support services. 7 = Charter Agency. All schools associated with the agency are charter schools. 8 = Other Education Agency. Agency providing elementary or secondary instruction or support services that does not fall within the definitions of agency types 1–7 | TYPE | C,1,0 | |
Supervisory union number | UNION | C,6,0 | |
County FIPS code | CONUM | C,5,0 | |
County name | CONAME | C,33,0 | |
Combined Statistical Area code | CSA | C,3,0 | |
Core-Based Statistical Area code | CBSA | C,5,0 | |
Type of CBSA | METMIC | C,1,0 | |
Locale code
where UA: Urbanized Area; UC: Urban Cluster; PC: Principal City 11 = City, Large: area inside UA & inside PC & population >= 250,000. 12 = City, Midsize: area inside UA & inside PC & population 100,000-250,000. 13 = City, Small: area inside UA & inside PC & population < 100,000. 21 = Suburb, Large: area outside PC & inside UA & population >= 250,000. 22 = Suburb, Midsize: area outside PC & inside UA & population 100,000-250,000. 23 = Suburb, Small: area outside PC & inside UA & population < 100,000. 31 = Town, Fringe: area inside UC that is <= 10 miles from UA. 32 = Town, Distant: area inside UC that is 10-35 miles from UA. 33 = Town, Remote: area inside UC that is > 35 miles from UA. 41 = Rural, Fringe: non-urban area <= 5 miles from UA & <= 2.5 miles from UC 42 = Rural, Distant: non-urban area 5-25 miles from UA & 2.5-10 miles from UC 43 = Rural, Remote: non-urban area >= 25 miles from UA & >= 10 miles from UC | LOCALE | C,2,0 | |
Congressional District 112 code | CDCODE | N,9,0 | |
Latitude | LATCOD | N,12,6 | |
Longitude | LONCOD | N,12,6 | |
Bureau of Indian Education code (1=Yes, 2=No) | BIEA | C,1,0 | |
Boundary change indicator
1 = No significant boundary change for this agency since the last report. Currently in operation. 2 = Education agency has closed with no effect on another agency’s boundaries. 3 = This is a new education agency formed with no effect on another agency’s boundaries. 4 = Agency was in existence, but not reported in previous year’s CCD agency universe survey, and is now being added. 5 = Agency has undergone a significant change in geographic boundaries or instructional responsibility. 6 = Agency is temporarily closed and may reopen within 3 years. 7 = Agency is scheduled to be operational within 2 years. 8 = Agency was closed on previous year’s file but has reopened. | BOUND | C,1,0 | |
Low grade offered | GSLO | C,2,0 | |
High grade offered | GSHI | C,2,0 | |
Prekindergarten offered | PKOFFRD | C,1,0 | |
Kindergarten offered (1=Yes, 2=No) | KGO | C,1,0 | |
1st grade offered (1=Yes, 2=No) | G01O | C,1,0 | |
2nd grade offered (1=Yes, 2=No) | G02O | C,1,0 | |
3rd offered (1=Yes, 2=No) | G03O | C,1,0 | |
4th offered (1=Yes, 2=No) | G04O | C,1,0 | |
5th grade offered (1=Yes, 2=No) | G05O | C,1,0 | |
6th grade offered (1=Yes, 2=No) | G06O | C,1,0 | |
7th grade offered (1=Yes, 2=No) | G07O | C,1,0 | |
8th grade offered (1=Yes, 2=No) | G08O | C,1,0 | |
9th grade offered (1=Yes, 2=No) | G09O | C,1,0 | |
10th grade offered (1=Yes, 2=No) | G10O | C,1,0 | |
11th grade offered (1=Yes, 2=No) | G11O | C,1,0 | |
12th grade offered (1=Yes, 2=No) | G12O | C,1,0 | |
Ungraded offered (1=Yes, 2=No) | UGO | C,1,0 | |
Charter status
1 = All associated schools are charter schools. 2 = Some associated schools are charter schools and some are non-charter schools. 3 = All associated schools are non-charter schools. | AGCHRT | C,1,0 | |
Number of schools | SCH | N,9,0 | |
Students with Individualized Education Program (IEP) under IDEA Part B | SPECED | N,9,0 | |
English language learner (ELL) students | ELL | N,9,0 | |
Prekindergarten teachers (FTE) | PKTCH | N,8,2 | |
Kindergarten teachers (FTE) | KGTCH | N,8,2 | |
Elementary teachers (FTE) | ELMTCH | N,8,2 | |
Secondary teachers (FTE) | SECTCH | N,8,2 | |
Ungraded teachers (FTE) | UGTCH | N,8,2 | |
Total teachers (FTE) | TOTTCH | N,8,2 | |
Instructional aides (FTE) | AIDES | N,8,2 | |
Instructional coordinators & supervisors (FTE) | CORSUP | N,8,2 | |
Elementary guidance counselors (FTE) | ELMGUI | N,8,2 | |
Secondary guidance counselors (FTE) | SECGUI | N,8,2 | |
Other guidance counselors (FTE) | OTHGUI | N,8,2 | |
Total guidance counselors (FTE) | TOTGUI | N,8,2 | |
Librarians/media specialists (FTE) | LIBSPE | N,8,2 | |
Library/media support staff (FTE) | LIBSUP | N,8,2 | |
LEA administrators (FTE) | LEAADM | N,8,2 | |
LEA administrative support staff (FTE) | LEASUP | N,8,2 | |
School administrators (FTE) | SCHADM | N,8,2 | |
School administrative support staff (FTE) | SCHSUP | N,9,0 | |
Student support services staff (FTE) | STUSUP | N,8,2 | |
All other support services staf (FTE) | OTHSUP | N,8,2 | |
Race/ethnicities categories indicator | RACECAT | C,1,0 | |
Prekindergarten students | PK | N,9,0 | |
Kindergarten students | KG | N,9,0 | |
Grade 1 students | G01 | N,9,0 | |
Grade 2 students | G02 | N,9,0 | |
Grade 3 students | G03 | N,9,0 | |
Grade 4 students | G04 | N,9,0 | |
Grade 5 students | G05 | N,9,0 | |
Grade 6 students | G06 | N,9,0 | |
Grade 7 students | G07 | N,9,0 | |
Grade 8 students | G08 | N,9,0 | |
Grade 9 students | G09 | N,9,0 | |
Grade 10 students | G10 | N,9,0 | |
Grade 11 students | G11 | N,9,0 | |
Grade 12 students | G12 | N,9,0 | |
Ungraded students | UG | N,9,0 | |
Total students, all grades | MEMBER | N,9,0 | |
American Indian/Alaska Native students | AM | N,9,0 | |
American Indian/Alaska Native students, male | AMALM | N,9,0 | |
American Indian/Alaska Native students, female | AMALF | N,9,0 | |
Asian students | ASIAN | N,9,0 | |
Asian students, male | ASALM | N,9,0 | |
Asian students, female | ASALF | N,9,0 | |
Hispanic students | HISP | N,9,0 | |
Hispanic students, male | HIALM | N,9,0 | |
Hispanic students, female | HIALF | N,9,0 | |
Black, non-Hispanic students | BLACK | N,9,0 | |
Black, non-Hispanic students, male | BLALM | N,9,0 | |
Black, non-Hispanic students, female | BLALF | N,9,0 | |
White, non-Hispanic students | WHITE | N,9,0 | |
White, non-Hispanic students, male | WHALM | N,9,0 | |
White, non-Hispanic students, female | WHALF | N,9,0 | |
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students | PACIFIC | N,9,0 | |
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students, male | HPALM | N,9,0 | |
Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander students, female | HPALF | N,9,0 | |
Two or more races students | TR | N,9,0 | |
Two or more races students, male | TRALM | N,9,0 | |
Two or more races students, female | TRALF | N,9,0 |
Handling of data items without a positive reported data value.
All data elements are either completed by the state or have been filled with a “0,” “-1,” “-2,” “-9,” “M,” or “N.”
0 - There are no occurrences of this data element. A value was expected and measured, but there were no cases in the category.
-- For example, a district having no 12th graders would report 0.
M (or -1 for numeric values) - Data are missing. A value was expected and none was measured.
-- For example, a district that has at least one 12th grader but cannot measure the number of 12th graders would report -1.
N (or -2 for numeric values) - Data are not applicable. A value was neither expected nor measured.
-- For example, an elementary district not offering 12th grade would report -2 for 12th graders.