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Amarillo, TX MSA Regional Analytics
  -- Population & Components of Change; 2010-15

Components of Change: 7/1/2010-6/30/2015
Natural Change 8,063
  equals Births 19,167
  less Deaths 11,104
Net Migration 1,202
  equals net International Migration 3,943
  plus net Domestic Migration -2,741

The population of the Amarillo, TX MSA changed from 252,725 on 2010 to 262,056 in 2015 -- a change of 9,331 (3.69%). This report provides a summary of how and why the population has changed during this period and what these factors suggest about future change.

Primary Contributing Factors to Change
The primary contributing factors resulting in population change are 1) natural change (births less deaths) and/or 2) net migration. Eight tables are presented below providing annual data for each component county of the metro and metro summary. The tables provide data on the total population, births, deaths, natural change (births less deaths), international migration, domestic migration and net migration.

From 2010 to 2015 (7/1/2010-6/30/2015), natural change (8,063) exceeded net migration (1,202); natural change has been the primary contributing factor for the total metro population change. Examine the metro by county tables below to learn about how each county contributes to the metro population growth or decline.

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Related Sections
  • Amarillo, TX MSA S&O Report
  • State of the States -- all states interactive table
  • Metro S&O Reports -- all metros interactive table
  • CountyTrends 2010-2015 -- all counties interactive table
  • CountyTrends -- multi-sourced county data
  • Regional Data Analytics Main

Table 1. Population          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Chg 10-15%Chg 10-15
Armstrong County, TX48011P0000001 1,899 1,931 1,945 1,957 1,948 1,947 48 2.53
Carson County, TX48065P0000001 6,164 6,271 6,110 5,981 6,007 5,969 -195 -3.16
Oldham County, TX48359P0000001 2,050 2,075 2,047 2,091 2,072 2,069 19 0.93
Potter County, TX48375P0000001 121,415 122,421 122,894 122,367 122,276 121,802 387 0.32
Randall County, TX48381P0000001 121,197 123,371 124,919 126,665 128,684 130,269 9,072 7.49
Total P0000001 252,725 256,069 257,915 259,061 260,987 262,056 9,331 3.69
Table 2. Births          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Armstrong County, TX48011B0000001 20 18 21 29 25 27 120 
Carson County, TX48065B0000001 60 64 56 57 57 55 289 
Oldham County, TX48359B0000001 20 15 20 20 34 30 119 
Potter County, TX48375B0000001 2,128 2,042 2,037 2,126 2,053 2,044 10,302 
Randall County, TX48381B0000001 1,520 1,647 1,568 1,653 1,744 1,725 8,337 
Total B0000001 3,748 3,786 3,702 3,885 3,913 3,881 19,167 
Table 3. Deaths          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Armstrong County, TX48011D0000001 8 27 28 36 19 22 132 
Carson County, TX48065D0000001 76 67 79 73 46 60 325 
Oldham County, TX48359D0000001 20 15 13 20 11 8 67 
Potter County, TX48375D0000001 1,196 1,132 1,144 1,180 1,163 1,108 5,727 
Randall County, TX48381D0000001 1,052 911 931 1,036 985 990 4,853 
Total D0000001 2,352 2,152 2,195 2,345 2,224 2,188 11,104 
Table 4. Natural Change          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Armstrong County, TX48011NC000001 12 -9 -7 -7 6 5 -12 
Carson County, TX48065NC000001 -16 -3 -23 -16 11 -5 -36 
Oldham County, TX48359NC000001 0 0 7 0 23 22 52 
Potter County, TX48375NC000001 932 910 893 946 890 936 4,575 
Randall County, TX48381NC000001 468 736 637 617 759 735 3,484 
Total NC000001 1,396 1,634 1,507 1,540 1,689 1,693 8,063 
Table 5. International Migration          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Armstrong County, TX48011MI000001 0 5 5 5 5 5 25 
Carson County, TX48065MI000001 0 1 1 1 1 1 5 
Oldham County, TX48359MI000001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
Potter County, TX48375MI000001 400 524 544 588 657 669 2,982 
Randall County, TX48381MI000001 132 151 164 186 215 215 931 
Total MI000001 532 681 714 780 878 890 3,943 
Table 6. Domestic Migration          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Armstrong County, TX48011MD000001 -16 34 15 17 -22 -15 29 
Carson County, TX48065MD000001 -60 106 -134 -103 4 -11 -138 
Oldham County, TX48359MD000001 -8 25 -34 43 -45 -15 -26 
Potter County, TX48375MD000001 40 -390 -976 -2,119 -1,636 -2,088 -7,209 
Randall County, TX48381MD000001 1,232 1,279 741 882 1,036 665 4,603 
Total MD000001 1,188 1,054 -388 -1,280 -663 -1,464 -2,741 
Table 7. Net Migration          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Armstrong County, TX48011MN000001 -16 39 20 22 -17 -10 54 
Carson County, TX48065MN000001 -60 107 -133 -102 5 -10 -133 
Oldham County, TX48359MN000001 -8 25 -34 43 -45 -15 -26 
Potter County, TX48375MN000001 440 134 -432 -1,531 -979 -1,419 -4,227 
Randall County, TX48381MN000001 1,364 1,430 905 1,068 1,251 880 5,534 
Total MN000001 1,720 1,735 326 -500 215 -574 1,202 
Table 8. Group Quarters          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Chg10-15%Chg 10-15
Armstrong County, TX48011GQ000001 54 55 55 55 54 54 0 0.00
Carson County, TX48065GQ000001 71 71 26 26 26 26 -45 -63.38
Oldham County, TX48359GQ000001 282 282 280 280 280 278 -4 -1.42
Potter County, TX48375GQ000001 6,936 6,905 6,847 6,843 7,135 7,138 202 2.91
Randall County, TX48381GQ000001 2,000 2,057 2,029 2,279 2,574 2,572 572 28.60
Total GQ000001 9,343 9,370 9,237 9,483 10,069 10,068 725 7.76

Source: developed by ProximityOne based on Census Bureau and other data.
  -- (888.364.7656)