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Corpus Christi, TX MSA Regional Analytics
  -- Population & Components of Change; 2010-15

Components of Change: 7/1/2010-6/30/2015
Natural Change 12,057
  equals Births 30,367
  less Deaths 18,310
Net Migration 12,527
  equals net International Migration 3,891
  plus net Domestic Migration 8,636

The population of the Corpus Christi, TX MSA changed from 427,997 on 2010 to 452,422 in 2015 -- a change of 24,425 (5.71%). This report provides a summary of how and why the population has changed during this period and what these factors suggest about future change.

Primary Contributing Factors to Change
The primary contributing factors resulting in population change are 1) natural change (births less deaths) and/or 2) net migration. Eight tables are presented below providing annual data for each component county of the metro and metro summary. The tables provide data on the total population, births, deaths, natural change (births less deaths), international migration, domestic migration and net migration.

From 2010 to 2015 (7/1/2010-6/30/2015), net migration (12,527) exceeded natural change (12,057); net migration has been the primary contributing factor for the metro population change. Examine the metro by county tables below to learn about how each county contributes to the metro population growth or decline.

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Related Sections
  • Corpus Christi, TX MSA S&O Report
  • State of the States -- all states interactive table
  • Metro S&O Reports -- all metros interactive table
  • CountyTrends 2010-2015 -- all counties interactive table
  • CountyTrends -- multi-sourced county data
  • Regional Data Analytics Main

Table 1. Population          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Chg 10-15%Chg 10-15
Aransas County, TX48007P0000001 23,200 23,325 23,688 24,162 24,933 25,350 2,150 9.27
Nueces County, TX48355P0000001 340,314 343,217 347,926 352,950 356,494 359,715 19,401 5.70
San Patricio County, TX48409P0000001 64,483 64,476 65,344 66,250 66,924 67,357 2,874 4.46
Total P0000001 427,997 431,018 436,958 443,362 448,351 452,422 24,425 5.71
Table 2. Births          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Aransas County, TX48007B0000001 276 235 247 230 297 285 1,294 
Nueces County, TX48355B0000001 4,568 4,684 4,657 4,896 5,032 5,046 24,315 
San Patricio County, TX48409B0000001 836 897 920 970 967 1,004 4,758 
Total B0000001 5,680 5,816 5,824 6,096 6,296 6,335 30,367 
Table 3. Deaths          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Aransas County, TX48007D0000001 352 322 343 344 339 353 1,701 
Nueces County, TX48355D0000001 2,772 2,623 2,633 2,827 2,811 2,769 13,663 
San Patricio County, TX48409D0000001 812 597 616 629 569 535 2,946 
Total D0000001 3,936 3,542 3,592 3,800 3,719 3,657 18,310 
Table 4. Natural Change          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Aransas County, TX48007NC000001 -76 -87 -96 -114 -42 -68 -407 
Nueces County, TX48355NC000001 1,796 2,061 2,024 2,069 2,221 2,277 10,652 
San Patricio County, TX48409NC000001 24 300 304 341 398 469 1,812 
Total NC000001 1,744 2,274 2,232 2,296 2,577 2,678 12,057 
Table 5. International Migration          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Aransas County, TX48007MI000001 24 25 23 28 31 31 138 
Nueces County, TX48355MI000001 604 570 732 674 757 791 3,524 
San Patricio County, TX48409MI000001 40 40 38 45 53 53 229 
Total MI000001 668 635 793 747 841 875 3,891 
Table 6. Domestic Migration          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Aransas County, TX48007MD000001 212 117 425 519 730 430 2,221 
Nueces County, TX48355MD000001 -2,064 284 1,939 2,307 712 376 5,618 
San Patricio County, TX48409MD000001 -1,404 -328 523 499 191 -88 797 
Total MD000001 -3,256 73 2,887 3,325 1,633 718 8,636 
Table 7. Net Migration          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Aransas County, TX48007MN000001 236 142 448 547 761 461 2,359 
Nueces County, TX48355MN000001 -1,460 854 2,671 2,981 1,469 1,167 9,142 
San Patricio County, TX48409MN000001 -1,364 -288 561 544 244 -35 1,026 
Total MN000001 -2,588 708 3,680 4,072 2,474 1,593 12,527 
Table 8. Group Quarters          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Chg10-15%Chg 10-15
Aransas County, TX48007GQ000001 459 466 461 455 458 458 -1 -0.22
Nueces County, TX48355GQ000001 5,797 5,781 5,765 5,936 6,089 6,087 290 5.00
San Patricio County, TX48409GQ000001 680 678 678 674 662 662 -18 -2.65
Total GQ000001 6,936 6,925 6,904 7,065 7,209 7,207 271 3.91

Source: developed by ProximityOne based on Census Bureau and other data.
  -- (888.364.7656)