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Janesville-Beloit, WI MSA Regional Analytics
  -- Population & Components of Change; 2010-15

Components of Change: 7/1/2010-6/30/2015
Natural Change 2,509
  equals Births 9,689
  less Deaths 7,180
Net Migration -1,303
  equals net International Migration 392
  plus net Domestic Migration -1,695

The population of the Janesville-Beloit, WI MSA changed from 160,234 on 2010 to 161,448 in 2015 -- a change of 1,214 (0.76%). This report provides a summary of how and why the population has changed during this period and what these factors suggest about future change.

Primary Contributing Factors to Change
The primary contributing factors resulting in population change are 1) natural change (births less deaths) and/or 2) net migration. Eight tables are presented below providing annual data for each component county of the metro and metro summary. The tables provide data on the total population, births, deaths, natural change (births less deaths), international migration, domestic migration and net migration.

From 2010 to 2015 (7/1/2010-6/30/2015), natural change (2,509) exceeded net migration (-1,303); natural change has been the primary contributing factor for the total metro population change. Examine the metro by county tables below to learn about how each county contributes to the metro population growth or decline.

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Related Sections
  • Janesville-Beloit, WI MSA S&O Report
  • State of the States -- all states interactive table
  • Metro S&O Reports -- all metros interactive table
  • CountyTrends 2010-2015 -- all counties interactive table
  • CountyTrends -- multi-sourced county data
  • Regional Data Analytics Main

Table 1. Population          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Chg 10-15%Chg 10-15
Rock County, WI55105P0000001 160,234 159,999 160,288 160,634 161,267 161,448 1,214 0.76
Table 2. Births          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Rock County, WI55105B0000001 1,956 1,958 1,927 1,880 1,958 1,966 9,689 
Table 3. Deaths          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Rock County, WI55105D0000001 1,236 1,397 1,407 1,549 1,419 1,408 7,180 
Table 4. Natural Change          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Rock County, WI55105NC000001 720 561 520 331 539 558 2,509 
Table 5. International Migration          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Rock County, WI55105MI000001 32 30 61 83 107 111 392 
Table 6. Domestic Migration          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Rock County, WI55105MD000001 -1,140 -856 -297 -73 53 -522 -1,695 
Table 7. Net Migration          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Sum11-15 
Rock County, WI55105MN000001 -1,108 -826 -236 10 160 -411 -1,303 
Table 8. Group Quarters          
Area NameGeoIDItem201020112012201320142015Chg10-15%Chg 10-15
Rock County, WI55105GQ000001 2,934 2,857 2,780 2,827 2,722 2,709 -225 -7.67

Source: developed by ProximityOne based on Census Bureau and other data.
  -- (888.364.7656)