Howard County Public Schools, MD School District Community

Demographic-Economic Characteristics

Narrative Summary (scroll section)
Howard County Public Schools (2400420) is a school district located in Howard County, MD.

The total population of the district was 288,676 as of 2010. The total median age was 38.3 years compared to 37.9 years in Maryland.

The population distribution by age shows 0-4 years 17,491, 5-9 years 20,296, 10-14 years 22,337, and 15-17 years 14,177.

The race/origin population distribution shows White alone 180,357, Black/American American alone 51,279, American Indian/Alaska Native alone 484, Asian alone 41,579, Native Hawaiian/OPI alone 139, Other race alone 5,727, Two or more races 9,111, Hispanic/Latino Origin 16,839.

Among the population 3 years and over, school enrollment demographics show a total enrollment of 83,794 that included 5,446 in preschool, 56,350 in primary and secondary and 21,998 in college.

The educational attainment levels for the population 25 and over were 95.1% high school graduates and 59.5% college graduates.

The median household income was $107,821 compared to $72,999 in Maryland. The percent of families in poverty was 2.9; the percent of all people in poverty was 4.4; the percent of people under 18 years in poverty was 5.0.

Housing occupancy ... of the 109,425 total housing units, 95.9% were occupied and 4.1% were vacant.

Occupancy tenure ... of the 104,905 occupied housing units (households), 74.2% were owner occupied and 25.8% were renter occupied.

Units in structure ... of the 109,425 total housing units, there were 53.3% 1-unit detached, 20.4% 1-unit attached, 0.3% 2 units, 1.1% 3-4 units, 5.6% 5-9 units, 11.5% 10-19 units, 6.3% 20 or more units, 1.4% mobile home.

The median housing value was $435,300 compared to $304,900 in Maryland. The median gross rent was $1,433 compared to $1,172 in Maryland.

About this Document
This document provides decision-making information to help leadership and stakeholders better understand where we are now; the what, when and where things will change in the future; and how change might impact us.

The graphic at the top of the page provides a visual example of how these resources can be used, though focused mainly on the "now" dimension. This is a view developed by GIS software showing a thematic pattern of median household income by Census 2010 block group using American Community Survey (ACS) data. Subject matter data from ACS have been integrated into the block group shapefile (TIGER/Line). The view is located in the Kansas City metro but could be anywhere in the world.

The thematic pattern of median household income by block group is shown as a layer superimposed on a MapQuest OpenStreetMap layer used as a base layer. Schools are shown as triangular markers. Other wide-ranging geography and subject matter could be added to the view, merging diverse independent entities into a holistic picture for collaboration and decision-making.

Using Data in this Document
The selection, scope, organization and content of these data provide a basis for examining challenges and opportunities that lie ahead. The data provide information for decision-makers and stakeholders to better determine how they might benefit from plans and actions implemented now or scheduled for the future. The data provide a basis for collaborative planning among community/business stakeholders and leaders. These data can provide measures of how things have changed since an earlier point in time - often based on data from Census 2000. Assessing this change, and considering current and prospective change, provide insights into the future - how much might things change, at what time, by how much and where - and how might this change impact us?

Organization of Data
Examine demographic-economic characteristics of the area using four custom developed demographic-economic profiles (DEP). Click a link to view the profiles listed below.

General Demographics -- click link to view full DEP1 profile
This section includes general demographics about the area ... total population, population by age, gender, Hispanic origin, race, household relationship.

Social Characteristics -- click link to view full DEP2 profile
This section provides information on social characteristics including ... educational attainment, school enrollment, language spoken at homemarital status and history, fertility, grandparents as caregivers, ancestry, place of birth, citizenship, year of entry, residence one year ago (migration), veteran status, period of military service, disability, among others.

Economic Characteristics -- click link to view full DEP3 profile
This section provides information on ... employment and labr force status, employment by industry, employment by occupation, income, income distribution and sources, poverty, food stamps, class of worker, place of work, work status, journey to work/commuting, vehicles, health insurance coverage, among others

Housing Characteristics -- click link to view full DEP4 profile
This section provides information on housing characteristics including ... number of housing units, year structure built, units in structure, year moved into unit, occupancy: occupied (households) and vacant, tenure (owner/renter), housing value, rent, selected monthly owner costs, rooms, bedrooms, kitchen facilities, plumbing facilities, house heating fuel, telephone service, farm residence, financial characteristics, among others

Interactive Tables to Rank/Compare Areas
Use these Web-based interactive tables to view, rank, compare data shown in the above profiles for other districts.
  • General Demographics
  • Social Characteristics
  • Economic Characteristics
  • Housing Characteristics

This report has been developed using the ProximityOne Situation & Outlook (S&O). See more about the Situation & Outlook resources at See related information at regarding the S&O Estimates & Projections (

This report has been developed by ProximityOne ( based on data from the Census Bureau American Community Survey (ACS) 2012 5 year estimates and related data. Except as noted, all demographic-economic data are from the ACS 2012 5-year estimates.

Additional Notes
The ACS 2012 5-year estimates are based on a sample survey. The estimates are subject to sampling and other errors of estimation. Having used these data extensively, it is our judgment that these estimates are quite accurate.

Terms of Use
This report may be redistributed without further authorization provided that no fee is charged for use of the report or its content and that the report is distributed in full and complete form. There are no warranties, express or implied, about any content of this report. The reader/user of this report, and all content within the report, is solely responsible for any data use or interpretation.

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