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SDViewer -- SocioEconomic Status Indicators & Analysis SDViewer socioeconomic status indicator analysis can be used to develop measures such as the Poverty Challenge Index. The Challenge Index shows how one district compares to a specific set of other districts, for example, all unified district in a state. What is the Poverty Challenge Index for your district or areas of analysis? Invoke the SDViewer SocioEconomic Status Indicators & Analyses operation (SES) from the Reports menu. The SES feature creates an SES index that shows how each district relates to others in a set of districts based on selected criteria. The next graphic shows use of the SES feature to analyze the set of Texas school districts with enrollment over 25,000 and a locale code of 1. The locale code is a measure of urban/rural or large city/small city location. The grid lists each district meeting the criteria (note there are 15 districts qualifying). When the Focus Area edit box is set at Default, the focus area is the state. So, in this example it is observed that Alief ISD has a SES Poverty index of 105.44 relative to the State of Texas index of 100. Districts with an index value below 100 have a relatively smaller challenge index; districts with an index value above 100 have a relatively larger challenge index. ![]() The SES feature includes several “SES Criteria” options. By simply clicking the “Housing Costs to Income” criteria and then “View with a Criteria” the following display appears. ![]() Sort the Grid. The grid may be sorted on any of the fields displayed. The next graphic shows how the Name field is selected for the sort. ![]() After the sort, the display is re-ordered based on the column selected. ![]() A Two Step Process. The SES feature involves two simple steps. The first step is to click on the 1-Build SES Database button to build the database subject to a) Inclusion Threshold Query or b) a pre-defined Peer Group. The second step is to click on the 2-View with a Criteria button. The 2-View button may be used repeatedly to examine different SES criteria. Using the Inclusion Threshold Query. Unless the Peer Group option (reviewed next) is used, the Inclusion Threshold Query edit box is used to establish which districts are to be added to the base set of districts for analysis. The setting would be stab=’MD’ to analyze all Maryland school districts. Using the Peer Group Option. When the Peer Group option is used, the Inclusion Threshold Query is not used and can contain any value. In the next example, the Use Peer Group box is checked. The text file c:\sdviewer\sd100.txt contains a list of districts that will be used. In this example, sd100.txt contains a list of the largest 100 districts in the U.S. In summary, to arrive at this display, the Build button is clicked and then the View button is clicked with the SES criteria selected as poverty. When the Peer Group option is used, the comparison basis (or focus area) is the U.S. by default. It is easy to see which districts have a higher or lower challenge index based on poverty relative to the U.S. ![]() The default sort order is based on the Challenge Index. The view can be sorted by double-clicking a field name in the field selection box immediately above the grid display. The field selection box provides an expanded description of the field relative to the shorthand name used in the column header. The next view shows the list sorted by name. ![]() Setting a Focus Area. To view a challenge index relative to a state or district of specific interest, key the 7-character code into the Focus Area edit box. In the following example, the code for New York City public schools is coded (3620580), button 1 is clicked and then button 2 is clicked (district names follow the U.S. Department of Education assigned names). ![]() SES Criteria Selection. Alternative socioeconomic status indicators and ranking factors are described below. • Poverty (individuals) • Housing Costs to Income • Foreign Born • Limited English Proficiency • Female Single Parent Family The higher the SES indicator value, the higher the "challenge index" for that district relative to other districts in the group. Poverty (individuals) Factor Indicator basis: dp3090 to dp3102 (from Economic characteristics items) Housing Costs to Income Factor Indicator basis: dp4074 (from Housing characteristics items) to dp3058 (from Economic characteristics items) Foreign Born Factor Indicator basis: dp2056 to dp2046 (both from Social characteristics items) Limited English Proficiency Factor Indicator basis: dp2066 to dp2063 (both from Social characteristics items) Female Single Parent Family Factor Indicator basis: dp1078 to dp1073 (both from General demographics items) SES Database. The Build Database operation creates as temporary file that remains available for use with software such as Excel. The file contains these fields:
Special Data Fields (available for threshold inclusion query) Locale Code. Use the LOCALE='1' in the query to select only those districts categorized as being associated with a "Large City." The locale code is the designation of each district's "locale" based on its geographic location and population attributes such as density. District locale codes are coded in the following manner: 1 - large city 2 - mid-size city 3 - fringe of large city 4 - fringe of mid-size city 5 - large town 6 - small town 7 - rural, outside CBSA/MSA 8 - rural, inside CBSA/MSA goto top |