Children's Demographics Database
The Census 2000 Extended SDST Data (referred to here as Children's Demographics Database -- CDD) contains the most current and detailed children's demographic data and data on children's living environment available. Developed by Proximity from the Census 2000 school district special tabulation, the national scope database provides data for each school district in the U.S.
Proximity provides comprehensive services to make use of these data: online access to the data for analytical use, the underlying database files for use on your computer, integration of these data with other-sourced data, software to perform custom structured displays and analysis, training and presentations on use of the data, and analyses of these data.
How Data in the CDD Can be Used
Using these data, you can answer questions like "how do the summary data for those enrolled in public school compare to those enrolled in private school?" Similarly, as not enrolled at all can be an important measure, "what is the magnitude (proportion) of children not enrolled in school?"
Example. This example illustrates how these data can be used in disability analyses. The map presented below (click toggle) shows percent children enrolled with disabilities and is based on the Census 2000 SDST Tables P41 and P42.
This zoom-in view shows Houston ISD, TX. The identify tool (pointer) is used to display a mini profile for the district. The profile shows values for the item P041001 (numerator) and P042001 (denominator) used to display thematic map pattern.
These data may be accessed/viewed online using the Proximity DMIGateway tool. To illustrate accessing the data for a specific school district, DMIGateway is used/started.
The DMIGateway control panel appears. Click the Get Data button with the selections as shown and table displays as shown in next graphic. |
In this view, you can see that the number 21,570 is the same as the numerator view in an earlier graphic. It is also clear that many other disability attributes can be mapped using other items in this table. |
Click the Get Data button with the selections as shown and table displays as shown in next graphic. |
In this view, the number 206,440 is a little different from the denominator used in the earlier graphic (249,715). The table below shows the universe iteration for "enrolled in public" whereas the denominator data used for the map used "enrolled in public and private". |
Data organization
The basic set of tables for "Children's Own" characteristics are iterated for each of these universes:
1. Total Children
2. Relevant Children – Enrolled and Not Enrolled
3. Relevant Children – Enrolled (Public and Private)
4. Relevant Children – Enrolled Public
5. Relevant Children – Enrolled Private
6. Relevant Children - Not Enrolled
These universes are further described in the school district special tabulation general description.
There must be 50 children in the school district area for the data record to be tabulated; 13,559 school district tabulation areas of total 14,286 meet this criteria.
Total children definition. The 2000 SDST defines a child as a person age 0 to 17 (as of April 1, 2000) or a person age 18 or 19 who is not a high school graduate (based on the educational attainment response from the Census 2000 questionnaire).
Relevant children definition. A child is relevant to a school district if he/she lives within the territory of the district and his/her assigned grade falls within the grade range provided by a district.
What Data Are Available in CDD? See the listing of data tables developed for the Census 2000 School District Tabulation. This is the "master" set of tables. Not all tables are available for the children's universes tabulations.
To determine which tables are available for the tabulation universes, see the tabulation record/table correspondence charts. Table numbers are listed in the left column. The header shows the type of tabulation universe. The spreadsheets shown in the examples reviewed on this Web page contain data taken only from "CO". You can see, for example, that tables P3 and P4 are not available for CO, but are available for other tabulation universes. If you are seeking data on children receiving public assistance, you first need to determine which tables contain these data (listing of data tables) and then see if that table is available in the tabulation universe of interest.
CDD File Structures. The CDD contains 27 types of files. Each file contains records corresponding to school districts for different tabulation universes and include different types of subject matter fields The 27 record/file types are summarized in the table presented below. Click on the link to view the fields included in the file of interest.
TT TT TT-TT Record Fields CO TT CO-TT Record Fields CO RT CO-RT Record Fields CO RN CO-RN Record Fields CO RE CO-RE Record Fields CO RP CO-RP Record Fields CO RR CO-RR Record Fields HC TT HC-TT Record Fields HC RT HC-RT Record Fields HC RN HC-RN Record Fields HC RE HC-RE Record Fields HC RP HC-RP Record Fields HC RR HC-RR Record Fields PC TT PC-TT Record Fields PC RT PC-RT Record Fields PC RN PC-RN Record Fields PC RE PC-RE Record Fields PC RP PC-RP Record Fields PC RR PC-RR Record Fields CH TT CH-TT Record Fields CH RT CH-RT Record Fields CP TT CP-TT Record Fields CP RT CP-RT Record Fields CP RN CP-RN Record Fields CP RE CP-RE Record Fields CP RP CP-RP Record Fields CP RR CP-RR Record Fields |
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