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Census 2000 School District Demographic Profiles

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School District Demographic Profiles Database
The U.S. by School District Demographic Profile Database contains the most widely used Census 2000 demographic data for all U.S. school districts. The database consists of four subject matter files containing data as organized and described in the following links.
DP-1 General Demographics
DP-2 Social Characteristics
DP-3 Economic Characteristics
DP-4 Housing Characteristics
Proximity has structured these files in a manner that saves you time and gives you maximum flexibility to use the data. Optional file structures enable you to meet your application needs without restructuring the files.
Use the Database in Shapefile and/or Non-Shapefile Structure

The database is organized in both shapefile structure and as non-shapefile structure. You benefit from this because you can immediately use the shapefile structured version to display thematic maps. Use the non-shapefile version with non-GIS/mapping applications.
A shapefile is a specially structured set of files that integrates the demographic and geographic data. But there can be a problem in using shapefiles in non-mapping applications. This is why the data are provided in shapefile and non-shapefile structure. The problem is that some counties are represented as multiple polygons. In the shapefile structure, the database record is replicated for each polygon even though it is the same county. As a result, when the shapefile database file is sorted, aggregated, or queried with non-GIS software undesirable results can occur.
Shapefile structured:

SDSTDP1.* (dbf, shp, shx)

SDSTDP2.* (dbf, shp, shx)

SDSTDP3.* (dbf, shp, shx)

SDSTDP4.* (dbf, shp, shx)
Since each subject matter file is its own shapefile structure, you can prepare maps with them independently, using the no fee CommunityViewer software. You have maximum flexibility.
Non-Shapefile structured:



Uses of the Data

You not only benefit from the flexible file structuring, but you have fingertip access to the most basic sociometric data for use for years ahead. More than just the most current data on many characteristics, these data will be useful for benchmarking and "denominator" analyses for many years -- a permanent part of your reference and research resources. Here are a few of the type of applications areas supported.
• Enrollment (total population, not only public school students)
• Educational attainment
• Income and poverty analyses
• Sources and different measures of earnings
• Age, race, gender distribution
• Family and household composition
• Housing markets; housing affordability
• Housing unit age and attributes
• Multicultural analyses
• Labor force characteristics
• Employment by industry and occupation
• Ancestry and country of origin
• Ability to speak English
• Persons with disabilities


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