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Congressional Districts & K-12 Schools

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Advancing educational attainment level of residents is an important part of community development.


The number and characteristics of K-12 schools vary widely by Congressional District. Simply knowing and understanding these dimensions are important to Congressional and legislative leadership.  Knowing where we are now is the first step in developing a plan for the future.  This section reviews use of the geodemographic tools to examine relationships among Congressional Districts and K-12 schools.


How many schools are in a specific area?  How are they geographically distributed?

-- use the CV Site Analysis tool to answer these types of questions.


State View showing CDs and K-12 Schools


Query 1 -- number and visual map distribution of K-12 schools with grade 12 enrollment

Steps in site analysis:

Tools>Site Analysis started.

Site selection specifications entered



Use mouse to define analysis area -- the entire state in this example:

Results show that there are 156 schools with a total grade 12 enrollment of 17,037.  The state id of each school is listed in the lower right.  A shapefile is created of just those schools matching the query.  The shapefile dbf may be opened in Excel (for example, or CV as spreadsheet) for tabular analysis.  Selected schools are shown with cross-hatch overlay.


How can I view a list of schools

Query 2 -- number and visual map distribution of K-12 schools with grade 12 enrollment

-- in a selected Congressional District.


Steps in site analysis:

Tools>Site Analysis started.

Site selection specifications entered

note query is different in the following specification compared to the one above.


Use mouse to define analysis area, a circle defines the extent of the study area:

Results show that there are 45 schools with a total grade 12 enrollment of 4,315.  The state id of each school is listed in the lower right.  A shapefile is created of just those schools matching the query.  The shapefile dbf may be opened in Excel (for example, or CV as spreadsheet) for tabular analysis.  Selected schools are shown with cross-hatch overlay.



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