Urban Dynamics

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While the term "urban" has a well understood generic meaning, for analytical purposes it is important to have a more concrete definition.  In this document, urban/rural nomenclature follows the Census Bureau definition of urban. For and since Census 2000, urban areas are defined as all territory, population, and housing units located within urbanized areas (UAs) and urban clusters (UCs).  The definition extends to the census block geographic level. While "places" are areas of population concentration, many places contain areas that are not urban (see places and urban areas graphic in this section).


Mississippi Urban Areas

Not all names appear in this view as the option was selected 'avoid overlapping labels'.


Places and Urban Areas

In this zoom-in view of Washington County, places (yellow with transparency) are shown in context of urban areas (labeled).

In the case of Greenville, much of the place that extends to the south is outside the urban area and conversely to the north.

The place boundary definition is current as of January 1, 2008 and the urban area is defined as of Census 2000.