Digital Map Database


The Situation & Outlook (S&O) Digital Map Database (DMD) is a digital map database comprised of point, line and area features covering the United States. DMD is used to associate virtually any type of subject matter data to the geographic infrastructure down to the address and intersection level of detail. Vector-based geography include:
• Points ... address locations, schools, hospitals, among others.
• Lines ... roads, railroads, water, among others.
• Area/polygon ... statistical area boundaries, political area boundaries, water, among others.
DMD is updated continuously and covers the United States, Puerto Rico and U.S. territorial areas.
DMD is an extension and update to the Census Bureau TIGER/Line (TLF) shapefiles. Warren Glimpse, founder of ProximityOne, developed the Columbia, MO GBF/DIME file used as the prototype for the TLF program and is developer of desktop and Web-based GIS applications/tools including CVXE GIS tools using TLF data integrated with other wide-ranging data.


The TIGER/Line files update in September 2019.  New attributes from 2019 TIGER/Line files will be merged into the DMD progressively in 2020.


File Naming and Nomenclature

This section describes shapefiles and related datasets based in part on Census Bureau TLF naming procedures.  TLFs are now released annually.  Since most file structures, but not all, are the same from year-to-year (vintages) the characters 'year' are used as a place-holder for the actual year value.  For example, the 2013 vintage all lines/edges shapefile for Harris County, TX is named as tl_2013_48201_edges.shp.  In this section, the year and geocode generic name is used:  tl_year_[state-county FIPS]_edges.shp.


Additional information --


DMD Files Table of Contents


Address Ranges

 Address Range-Feature Name County-based Relationship File -- tl_year_stcty_addrfn

 Address Range-Feature County-based Shapefile -- tl_year_stcty_addrfeat

 Address Ranges County-based Relationship File -- tl_year_stcty_addr

All Lines/Edges Shapefile (county-based) -- tl_year_stcty_edges

Block State-based Shapefile -- tl_year_stcty_tabblock

Block Group State-based Shapefile -- tl_year_stcty_bg

Census Tract State-based Shapefile -- tl_year_stcty_tract

Congressional Districts

 113th Congressional District National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_cd113

Consolidated City Shapefile -- tl_year_st_concity

County and Equivalent Entity National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_county

County Subdivision State-based Shapefile -- tl_year_stcty_cousub

Estate Shapefile (U.S. Virgin Islands Only) -- tl_year_78_estate

Feature Names Relationship File -- tl_year_stcty_featnames


 Area -- tl_year_stcty_areawater

 Linear -- tl_year_stcty_linearwater

 Coastline National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_coastline


 Area Shapefile -- tl_year_st_arealm

 Point Shapefile -- tl_year_st_pointlm

Metropolitan Areas

 Metropolitan Statistical Area/Micropolitan Statistical Area (CBSA) National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_cbsa

 Metropolitan Division National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_metdiv  

 Combined New England City and Town Area (CNECTA) National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_csa

 New England City and Town Area (NECTA) National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_necta

 New England City and Town Area (NECTA) Division National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_nectadiv

 Combined Statistical Area (CSA) National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_cnecta

Military Installation National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_mil

Native American

 Alaska Native Regional Corporation (ANRC) State-based Shapefile -- tl_year_02_anrc

 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian (AIANNH) Area National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_aiannh

 American Indian Tribal Subdivision (AITS) National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_aitsn

 Tribal Block Group National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_tbg

 Tribal Census Tract National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_ttract

Other Identifiers Relationship File -- tl_year_stcty_otherid

Places -- tl_year_st_place

Public Use Microdata Area (PUMA) Shapefile -- tl_year_st_puma10

Railroads National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_rails


 Primary Roads National Shapefile tl_year_us_primaryroads

 Primary and Secondary Roads (state-based) tl_year_st_prisecroads

 All Roads (county-based) tl_year_stcty_roads

School Districts

 Elementary School District Shapefile -- tl_year_st_elsd

 Secondary School District Shapefile -- tl_year_st_scsd

 Unified School District Shapefile -- tl_year_st_unsd

State and Equivalent Entity National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_state

State Legislative Districts

 Lower Chamber (SLDL) Shapefile -- tl_year_st_sldl

 Upper Chamber (SLDU) Shapefile -- tl_year_st_sldu

Subbarrio (Subminor Civil Division) Shapefile -- tl_year_72_subbarrio


 Topological Faces-Area Landmark Relationship File -- tl_year_st_facesal

 Topological Faces-Area Hydrography Relationship File -- tl_year_stcty_facesah

 Topological Faces (Polygons with All Geocodes) Shapefile -- tl_year_stcty_faces

 Topological Faces – Military Installation National Relationship File -- tl_year_us_facesmil

Urban Area (UA) National Shapefile (2010 Census) -- tl_year_us_uac10

ZIP Code Area National Shapefile -- tl_year_us_zcta510



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