The County Business Patterns dataset is a part of the ProximityOne Data Services program.


This dataset is a variation of the Census Bureau County Business Patterns.

The dataset is structured as a dbase file.


Dataset Fields

FIPSTATE        C       FIPS State Code
FIPSCTY         C       FIPS County Code
NAICS           C       Industry Code - 6-digit NAICS code.
EMPFLAG         C       Data Suppression Flag
                        This denotes employment size class for data withheld to avoid disclosure (confidentiality) 
                        or withheld because data do not meet publication standards.
                        A       0-19
                        B       20-99
                        C       100-249
                        E       250-499
                        F       500-999
                        G       1,000-2,499
                        H       2,500-4,999
                        I       5,000-9,999
                        J       10,000-24,999
                        K       25,000-49,999
                        L       50,000-99,999
                        M       100,000 or More

EMP_NF          C       Total Mid-March Employees Noise Flag 
                        (See all Noise Flag definitions at the end of this record layout)
EMP             N       Total Mid-March Employees with Noise
QP1_NF          C       Total First Quarter Payroll Noise Flag
QP1             N       Total First Quarter Payroll ($1,000) with Noise
AP_NF           C       Total Annual Payroll Noise Flag
AP              N       Total Annual Payroll ($1,000) with Noise
EST             N       Total Number of Establishments
N1_4            N       Number of Establishments: 1-4 Employee Size Class
N5_9            N       Number of Establishments: 5-9 Employee Size Class
N10_19          N       Number of Establishments: 10-19 Employee Size Class
N20_49          N       Number of Establishments: 20-49 Employee Size Class
N50_99          N       Number of Establishments: 50-99 Employee Size Class
N100_249        N       Number of Establishments: 100-249 Employee Size Class
N250_499        N       Number of Establishments: 250-499 Employee Size Class
N500_999        N       Number of Establishments: 500-999 Employee Size Class
N1000           N       Number of Establishments: 1,000 or More Employee Size Class
N1000_1         N       Number of Establishments: Employment Size Class: 1,000-1,499 Employees
N1000_2         N       Number of Establishments: Employment Size Class: 1,500-2,499 Employees
N1000_3         N       Number of Establishments: Employment Size Class: 2,500-4,999 Employees
N1000_4         N       Number of Establishments: Employment Size Class: 5,000 or More Employees
CENSTATE        C       Census State Code
CENCTY          C       Census County Code

NOTE: Noise Flag definitions (fields ending in _NF) are:
        G       0 to < 2% noise (low noise)
        H       2 to < 5% noise (medium noise)
        D       Withheld to avoid disclosing data for individual companies; 
                data are included in higher level totals. Employment or payroll field set to zero.
        S       Withheld because estimate did not meet publication standards. 
                Employment or payroll field set to zero.


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