The Establishments, Employment & Earnings datasets are a part of the ProximityOne Data Services program.
These datasets are a variation of the Bureau of Labor Statistics Establishment, Employment & Earnings (QCEW) data. The datasets are structured as dbase files.
Quarterly Dataset Fields
fips C5 5-character FIPS code
own_code N1 1-digit Ownership code
ind_code C6 6-character Industry Code (NAICS, SuperSector)
agglvl N2 2-digit aggregation level code
size_code N1 1-digit size code
year N4 4-digit year
qtr C1 1-character quarter (always A for annual)
disc_code C1 1-character disclosure code (either ' '(blank) or 'N' not disclosed)
qtr_estabs N8 Count of establishments for a given quarter (Max 8 digits)
mth1_emp N9 Employment level for the first month of a given quarter (Max 9 digits)
mth2_emp N9 Employment level for the second month of a given quart
mth3_emp N9 Employment level for the third month of a given quarter (Max 9 digits)
totwages N15 Total wages for a given quarter (Max 15 digits)
taxwages N15 Taxable wages for a given quarter (Max 15 digits)
contrib N13 Quarterly contributions for a given quarter (Max 13 digits)
avgwkwage N8 Average weekly wage for a given quarter (Max 8 digits)
Annual Dataset Fields
fips C5 5-character FIPS code
area_fips C5 5-character FIPS code
own_code N1 1-digit Ownership code
industry_code C6 6-character Industry Code (NAICS, SuperSector)
agglvl_code N2 2-digit aggregation level code
size_code N1 1-digit size code
year N4 4-digit year
qtr C1 1-character quarter (always A for annual)
disc_code C1 1-character disclosure code (either ' '(blank) or 'N' not disclosed)
annavgest N8 Annual average of quarterly establishment counts for a given year (Max 8 digits)
annavgemp N9 Annual average of monthly employment levels for a given year (Max 9 digits)
totannwage N15 Sum of the four quarterly total wage levels for a given year (Max 15 digits)
taxannwage N15 Sum of the four quarterly total taxable wage totals for a given year (Max 15 digits)
anncontr N13 Sum of the four quarterly contribution totals for a given year (Max 13 digits)
annavgwage N8 Average weekly wage based on the 12-monthly employment levels and total annual wage levels. (Max 8 digits)
avgannpay N8 Average annual pay based on employment and wage levels for a given year. (Max 8 digits)