Faces Shapefile



Field Length Type Description
FID 10 Integer Permanent face ID
STATEFP00 2 String Census 2000 state FIPS code
COUNTYFP00 3 String Census 2000 county FIPS code
TRACTCE00 6 String Census 2000 census tract code
BLKGRPCE00 1 String Census 2000 block group Number
BLOCKCE00 4 String Census 2000 tabulation block Number
COUSUBFP00 5 String Census 2000 county subdivision FIPS code
SUBMCDFP00 5 String Census 2000 subbarrio FIPS code
CONCTYFP00 5 String Census 2000 consolidated city FIPS code
PLACEFP00 5 String Census 2000 place FIPS code
AIANNHFP00 5 Number Census 2000 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian area FIPS code
AIANNHCE00 4 String Census 2000 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian area census code
COMPTYP00 1 String Census 2000 American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian area reservation/statistical area or off-reservation trust land Hawaiian home land indicator
TRSUBFP00 5 Number Census 2000 American Indian tribal subdivision FIPS code
TRSUBCE00 3 String Census 2000 American Indian tribal subdivision code
ANRCFP00 5 String Census 2000 Alaska Native Regional Corporation FIPS code
ELSDLEA00 5 String Census 2000 elementary school district local education agency code
SCSDLEA00 5 String Census 2000 secondary school district local education agency code
UNSDLEA00 5 String Census 2000 unified school district local education agency code
UACE 5 String Corrected Census 2000 urban area code
CD108FP 2 String 108th congressional district FIPS code
SLDUST00 3 String Census 2000 state legislative district upper chamber code
SLDLST00 3 String Census 2000 state legislative district lower chamber code
VTDST00 6 String Census 2000 voting district code
ZCTA5CE00 5 String Census 2000 5-digit ZCTA code
TAZCE00 6 String Census 2000 traffic analysis zone code
UGACE00 5 String Census 2000 urban growth area code
PUMA5CE00 5 String Census 2000 public use microdata area code
STATEFP10 2 String 2010 Census state FIPS code
COUNTYFP10 3 String 2010 Census county FIPS code
TRACTCE10 6 String 2010 Census census tract code
BLKGRPCE10 1 String 2010 Census block group Number
BLOCKCE10 4 String 2010 Census tabulation block Number
COUSUBFP10 5 String 2010 Census county subdivision FIPS code
SUBMCDFP10 5 String 2010 Census subminor civil division FIPS code
CONCTYFP10 5 String 2010 Census consolidated city FIPS code
PLACEFP10 5 String 2010 Census place FIPS code
AIANNHFP10 5 Number 2010 Census American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian area FIPS code
AIANNHCE10 4 String 2010 Census American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian area census code
COMPTYP10 1 String 2010 Census American Indian/Alaska Native/Native Hawaiian area reservation/statistical area or off-reservation trust land Hawaiian home land indicator
TRSUBFP10 5 Number 2010 Census American Indian tribal subdivision FIPS code
TRSUBCE10 3 String 2010 Census American Indian tribal subdivision code
ANRCFP10 5 String 2010 Census Alaska Native Regional Corporation FIPS code
TTRACTCE10 6 String 2010 Census tribal census tract code
TBLKGRPCE10 1 String 2010 Census tribal block group letter
ELSDLEA10 5 String 2010 Census elementary school district local education agency code
SCSDLEA10 5 String 2010 Census secondary school district local education agency code
UNSDLEA10 5 String 2010 Census unified school district local education agency code
UACE10 5 String 2010 Census urban area code
CD111FP 2 String 111th congressional district FIPS code
SLDUST10 3 String 2010 Census state legislative district upper chamber code
SLDLST10 3 String 2010 Census state legislative district lower chamber code
VTDST10 6 String 2010 Census voting district code
ZCTA5CE10 5 String 2010 Census 5-digit ZCTA code
TAZCE10 6 String 2010 Census traffic analysis zone code
UGACE10 5 String 2010 Census urban growth area code
PUMA5CE10 5 String 2010 Census public use microdata area code
CSAFP10 3 String 2010 Census Combined statistical area code
CBSAFP10 5 String 2010 Census Metropolitan statistical area/micropolitan statistical area code
METDIVFP10 5 String 2010 Census Metropolitan division code
CNECTAFP10 3 String 2010 Census Combined New England city and town area code (New England states only)
NECTAFP10 5 String 2010 Census New England city and town area code (New England states only)
NCTADVFP10 5 String 2010 Census New England city and town area division code (New England states only)
LWFLAG 1 String Land/water flag
OFFSET 1 String Geographic corridor/offset flag
ATOTAL 14 Number Total Area
INTPTLAT 11 String Latitude of the internal point
INTPTLON 12 String Longitude of the internal point

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