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County Population by Age Cohort Projections

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Developed using Proximity MetroDynamics (MD), annual projections to 2020 are prepared using the Modeler feature for the same ages as shown in the previous sections. Modeler enables the user to create and save "vintages" of the projections based on a set of model specifications.  The following two examples show the annual estimates and projections using "Scenario M1" (migration set to annual constant based on recent annual trends).


Harris County, TX Single Year of Age Projections

View showing selected ages, selected years

See full profile:


Harris County, TX 5 Year Age Cohort Projections

Using the 5-Year re-grouping feature ...

View showing selected ages, selected years.

See full profile:


Similar 1-year and 5-year spreadsheets are are available for these areas:


Dallas County (48113) -- 1 year --

Dallas County (48113) -- 5 year --




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