Housing -- Year Structure Built

In this section, examine housing units by year structure built by block group using iVDA with the "Base" project.

The age of housing stock data, tabulated by block group, are available from the American Community Survey (ACS2023). These data show units by year structure built. We use these data with VDAGIS to analyze the age of housing stock across different areas and understand its impact on factors like affordability, housing market trends, and the need for renovations or repairs. Older housing can indicate potential issues with energy efficiency, maintenance costs, and may be more affordable compared to newer homes while a high proportion of newer housing can signal a growing population or recent development activity.


iVDA is one part of a broader VDA GIS resource framework.  See more about VDA GIS.


Find a city based on an address/location

.. in the searchbar above the map enter "Alexandria, VA" (no quotes) or an address and press enter.

.. the map view zooms-in to the city extent, places a blue triangle at the area center or location.

    the city demographic profile shows in the lower left panel

.. in the legend panel at left, scroll to "BG Hsg Built 1939 earlier" and click the checkbox on

    the view refreshes showing patterns of housing units built 1939 or earlier


Try your own city, area or location.


Visual Data Analytics Web GIS
iVDA is presented below in an interactive mapping window .. watch video


The static graphic below illustrates the view of  "Housing Units Built 1939 Earlier by Block Group" in the Alexandria, VA area.



More about these data and their use.

DEDE was used to create a national scope data file by block group.  The file includes the items listed below.


B01001_001E TotPopA23  Total Population

B25034_001E hsgtota23  Total: Year Structure Built

B25034_002E hyb2020a23 Built 2020 or later

B25034_003E hyb1019a23 Built 2010 to 2019

B25034_004E hyb0009a23 Built 2000 to 2009

B25034_005E hyb9099a23 Built 1990 to 1999

B25034_006E hyb8089a23 Built 1980 to 1989

B25034_007E hyb7079a23 Built 1970 to 1979

B25034_008E hyb6069a23 Built 1960 to 1969

B25034_009E hyb5059a23 Built 1950 to 1959

B25034_010E hyb4049a23 Built 1940 to 1949

B25034_011E hyb39ola23 Built 1939 or earlier

B25035_001E hybmeda23  Median year structure built


These items were merged into a national scope block group shapefile which was then added to the VDAGIS Base project creating the  "BG Hsg Built 1939 earlier" layer. A query was then placed on that layer with the number of units built 1939 or earlier organized into these intervals:


100 or more units (blue)

70 - 100 (green)

40 - 70 (yellow)

10 - 40 (salmon)

1 - 10 (red)

0 (gray)


Areas (block groups) that are gray contain no housing units built 1939 or earlier (newer housing stock areas). Areas that are blue contain a dominant number of units built 1939 or earlier (oldest housing stock areas). Note that these data are as of ACS2023, meaning that some older housing might have been removed.








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