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Welcome to iVDA!
  .. a Visual Data Analytics (VDA) Geographic Information Systems (GIS) tool
  .. embedded in HTML iframe for interactive use in Web pages

A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer -based tool that allows users to store, analyze, visualize, and interpret geographic data. Geographic data, also known as spatial or geospatial data, identifies the location of features on earth. GIS combines the visual elements of maps with the ability to link characteristics about those features in datasets. This relationship allows GIS to locate, display, analyze, and model data.

GIS technology integrates geographic data with statistical and adminstrative data using statistical methods and analytics. These abilities make GIS valuable to a wide range of public and private enterprises for explaining events, predicting outcomes and planning strategies. And collaborating on those issues.

iVDA is an HTML iframe embedded version of VDA Web GIS Verison 4. iVDA can operate with any VDAGIS project. When the Web page containing an embedded iVDA iframe, several parameters are set that control the start-up view shown in the iVDA user interface such as the one shown below. This is an interactive mapping application.

.. Illustrative Application
.. Deployments
.. Operations
.. Terms of Use
.. About iVDA

iVDA Illustrative Application -- Houston, TX Metro Area .. goto top
.. Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) are shown with brown bold boundaries.
.. show/examine schools .. click the checkbox on the "K-12 Schools Elem" layer in legend panel at left of map.
.. show/examine attributes of a school .. click a school marker in map; profile shows in lower left panel.
.. the page being viewed is located at

Deployments .. goto top
Extensive iVDA applications are available using VDAGIS Discovery which may be accessed/used with any browser on any device.
For additional help using iVDA, VDAGIS resources, or geography/subject matter use these resources:
.. Contact Us -- send us a question and register for updates using this form.
.. Call us -- (888) 364-7656
.. Join us in a Web Session (Tues-Weds-Thurs weekly) - bring your questions

Navigation & Operations .. goto top
Using iVDA
The iVDA frame is a dynamic mapping tool that operates on a VDAGIS project.

The iVDA frame structure, user interface, consists of these sections:
01. Toolbar
01.1. Layer Editor
01.2. GeoSelect/Site Analysis
02. Searchbar, above the Map Window -- key in address or location and press enter; map view zooms to location
03. Map Window -- displays the layers checked on in the Legend Panel
04. Legend Panel, left of the Map Window -- displays layers available in this VDAGIS project
05. Profile Panel, below Legend Panel -- displays all attributes of an object/shape clicked in Map Window
06. Clipboard button, below Profile Panel -- copies Profile Panel content to clipboard
07. Map Navigation buttons, below Map Window -- Map Window Zoom, drag, zoom to U.S. extent operations
08. Table/Query button, below Map Window at far right -- toggles data table

Key Concepts

Active Layer
The Active Layer is set for each project as a parameter in the iFrame configuration.
Clicking in the Map Window selects a shape/object of the Active Layer. For example, if a county layer is the active layer, clicking in the Map Window will select that specific county, zoom to its geographic extent and display a profile of its attributes in the lower left panel.

Change the Active Layer by clicking in the Layer name in the Legend Panel.
For example, change the active layer to the Places layer in the Legend Panel (click the layer name, it turns blue).
.. now press enter in the searchbar (same 85258 value)
.. a blue marker showing the location shows in the map.
.. what's new .. the map view zooms to the "geographic extent" of the active layer shape containing the location.
.. in this case, that is 1) a place and 2) Scottsdale, AZ.
.. now you can click the marker, or anywhere in the city to show/use the demographic profile in the lower left panel.

01. Toolbar Operations .. goto navigation & operations topics
01.1. Layer Editor .. goto navigation & operations topics
Use this feature to modify the appearance of a layer that is shonw n the legend panel.
Click on a layer name (making it the active layer) .. it turns blue.
Click Tools>Layer Editor to start the Layer Editor; the Editor form opens as shown below.
In this example,
.. no alternate name is shown (that edit box is left blank).
.. the transparency ("see through level") is set to 50%.
.. a field is selected to display as a label for each geographic object in map window.
.. the position of the label relative to the geographic object is selected.
.. the label background and font colors are selected.
.. the polygon outline color and width are selected.
Click Set & Close button to apply the selected settings in map window.
.. the form closes and settings are applied as shown in the map window.

01.2. GeoSelect/Site Analysis .. goto navigation & operations topics
Use this feature to to create profiles for grouped geographies and perform site analysis operations.
Click on a layer name (making it the active layer) .. it turns blue.
Click Tools>GeoSelect/SiteAnalysis to start the process; the GeoSelset form opens as shown below.
In this example,

01.3. IP GeoLocation

02. Search Tool .. goto navigation & operations topics
Search for an address or location in the searchbar. To illustrate, key in 85258 press Enter.
.. a blue marker showing the location shows in the map.
.. the map view zooms to the "geographic extent" of the active layer shape containing the location.
.. in this case, that is 1) a county and 2) Maricopa County, AZ.
.. it also show the attributes in a profile in the lower left panel.

03. Map Window & Navigation
The Map Window shows the view of the layers checked on in the legend panel.

04. Legend Panel, left of the Map Window -- displays layers available in this VDAGIS project

05. Profile Panel, below Legend Panel -- displays all attributes of an object/shape clicked in Map Window

06. Clipboard button, below Profile Panel -- copies Profile Panel content to clipboard

07. Map Navigation buttons, below Map Window -- Map Window Zoom, drag, zoom to U.S. extent operations

08. Table/Query Operations .. goto top

Terms of Use .. goto top
There is no warranty regarding any aspect of this using iVDA. The user is solely responsible for any use made of iVDA or data contained in iVDA operations.

About iVDA & VDAGIS .. goto top
iVDA is an HTML iframe embedded version of VDA Web GIS. VDAGIS tools and data have been developed and are updated/supported by Warren Glimpse/ProximityOne/Alexandria, VA USA and Takashi Hamilton/Tsukasa/Osaka, Japan.

Support Using these Resources .. goto top
Learn more about census tract demographic economic data and related analytical tools. Join us in a Data Analytics Lab session. There is no fee for these informal sessions focused on your interests. The open structure provides for Q&A and discussion of application issues of interest to participants.

Additional Information .. goto top
ProximityOne develops geographic-demographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Contact ProximityOne (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest.

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