Low and Moderate Income by Tract

In this section, you will learn to examine low and moderate income characteristics (based on median family income) by census tract using iVDA with the "Base" project.  The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) assigns measures of low and moderate income to census tracts. These data are used for financial institution compliance and related analyses regarding the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) and the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA). VDAGIS resources enable stakeholders to examine these data geospatially and in context of other geography.  See related information and interactive table.


iVDA is one part of a broader VDA GIS resource framework.  See more about VDA GIS.


In the iVDA frame below, enter an address in the searchbar and press enter.

.. enter "9451 N 84th St, Scottsdale, AZ 85258" not case sensitive, no quotes

.. the map view zooms-in to the census tract containing that address and places a blue triangle at the location.


In the Legend Panel at the left of the Map Window, scroll down and check on these layers:

.. Tracts Code

.. Tracts LMI23 Label

.. Tracts LMI23 MFI Tract/MSA%


Click the zoom-out button below the map window -- twice


The map view now shows a census tract thematic pattern view.

See the illustrative static view below the iVDA frame

.. it shows patterns of Median Family Income (MFI) in that census tract relative to MFI in the associated MSA.


The map view shows:

patterns of Tracts LMI23 MFI Tract/MSA% (see color/value interval in Legend Panel)
tracts label (upper label) with census tract code
tracts label (lower label) with tract LMI Level


See LMI characteristics for this tract in the lower left panel.

.. here you can examine many of demographic subject matter items.

.. click any tract and profile shows data for that tract


Visual Data Analytics Web GIS
iVDA is presented below in an interactive mapping window .. watch video

Below is a static graphic example of using iVDA as described above.


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