Welcome to VDA Desktop GIS -- User Guide


Welcome to Visual Data Analytics (VDA) Discovery

Updated 1/12/2025      


At your fingertips .. use VDAGIS Discovery to explore topics of interest using map/data analytics tools

examining census tracts/neighborhoods
examining block groups
census block demographics
world by country
state demographic & economic trends
how and why county population is changing
how city population is changing
school districts
changing metropolitan areas
congressional district characteristics
state legislative districts
congressional communities
urban/rural geography
comparing census tracts and ZIP Code areas


In this document, you will learn to examine a range of subject matter for wide-ranging geography using iVDA with VDAGIS projects.  See about terms of use, navigation and help in this section.


Here, for example, is a static graphic showing "How & Why County Population is Changing".  Learn how to develop this view in this section.



iVDA is one part of a broader VDA GIS resource framework.  See more about VDA GIS.


About VDA Desktop (VDAD)

VDA Desktop (VDAD) and VDA Web (VDAW) GIS have been developed, and are maintained/supported, by ProximityOne/Alexandria, VA USA and Tsukasa Consulting/Osaka, Japan.



ProximityOne -- resources to create and apply insights © ProximityOne