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CV & Jackson MSA

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Complexities of large metropolitan areas may be viewed/analyzed in different ways to meet different needs using the CommunityViewer GIS.  This section shows a series of views focused on the Jackson, MS MSA illustrating use of CV and the main project datasets.


Jackson, MS MSA 5-County View

Congressional districts (red boundary) in context of 5-county MSA.

Interstate and street detail.


Jackson, MS MSA 5-County View 2

Congressional districts (red boundary) in context of 5-county MSA.

K-12 schools (see markers in legend) and school districts (blue boundary)

Jackson, MS MSA Zoom in View 1

Zoom-in view of central interstate loop.

Schools with name labels shown in context streets.

Jackson, MS MSA Zoom in View 2 - Thematic Map

Further zoom-in view of central interstate loop.

Schools with name labels shown in context streets.

Percent high school graduates shows pattern of educational attainment by census tract.



Examining Patterns of Economic Prosperity


Census 2000 Median Household Income by Block Group (2,143 BGs in MS)


Zoom-in to Jackson MSA


Analysis Using Broader Set of Demographics (600+ items)


Using Site Analysis, selecting 4 block groups

Upper right panel displays aggregate for all DP3 items (DP3004 is total employment)

Lower right panel displays block group geocodes


Demographic Profiles for 4 BG Study Area (displayed as 4 panel grid)


Demographic Profiles for 4 BG Study Area (saved as 4 worksheet XLS file)

Four worksheets provide organized display of DP1 ... DP2 ... DP3 ... DP4

View 4 worksheet XLS file at

Note that rightmost columns provide summary of BG attributes for study area.



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