Selected CommunityViewer project/application views in Virginia.

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Integrating Census 2010 TIGER Shapefiles, ACS 2009 5-year demographics, Census 2010 and related data.


See related interactive ranking tables:

Virginia school district demographics:
Virginia census tract demographics:
Census 2010 demographics:

 (all US geography: state, congressional district, county, school district, city/place, metro)


Fredericksburg in Regional Context


Fredericksburg bold brown boundary

Cities/Places diagonal crosshatch pattern.



Patterns of Economic Prosperity -- Median Household Income by Census Tract


Median Household Income ACS 2005-09 (mid-2007)

... using ACS census tract estimates released December 2010 (



Patterns of Educational Attainment by Census Tract


Educational Attainment by Census Tract

 Percent high school graduate (population 25 years and over) by school district.

 Data based on 2009 American Community Survey ( 5-year estimates, centric to mid-2007.



Patterns of Census 2010 Total Population Distribution by Census Block


See highlighted (blue) layer in legend (left of map) for color/data value interval definitions.

More about these data:


Zoom-in View: Patterns of Census 2010 Total Population by Census Block


View similar to above showing total population by block as label.

Intersection-to-intersection street detail and K-12 schools shown.


Site Analysis: Patterns of Census 2010 Population by Census Block

Further zoom-in ...

CV Site Analysis operation applied to census block layer; blocks touching designated radius from an arbitrary point.

In the graphic below, table in upper right shows 37 blocks in this study area.


Aggregate demographics are shown in the mini table below that count:

3,021 total population in this set of blocks (p001001); 2,052 "White population of one race" (p001003) in this set of blocks.

(Item names shown in left column of profile defined at


List of geocodes for blocks included shown in lower right mini table.

By clicking "Write" button, the summary data are written to specified spreadsheet file.

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