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Site Analysis

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The CommunityViewer Site Analysis (Tools>Site Analysis) may be used to group and summarize data for points, line segments or polygon layers.  The following examples show use of the Site Analysis tool to aggregate/summarize enrollment by school.  The Site Analysis tool is used by many school districts to analyze patterns of enrollment, performance, and other measures for individual students.  Student addresses are geocoded and a student layer is added to the project and then used as the basis for site analysis.  Using CV on a computer located within the school/school district offices, complete control can be maintained for processing confidential student data.  Other similar examples are use of the tool to analyze distribution of address-based health or crime incidence data.


See also


Using the CV Site Analysis Tool to Sum Grade 1 Enrollment (05-06)

All public schools in Honolulu County (value 10,136 shows in upper right table)

Codes for schools included are listed in lower left listbox (also save to extracted shapefile)


Using the CV Site Analysis Tool to Sum Grade 12 Enrollment (05-06)

All public schools in a selected area of Honolulu County (value 2,013 shows in upper right table)

Schools included listed in lower left listbox (also save to extracted shapefile)


Site analysis specifications for the above view uses the school query (high=1 and(elementary=0 and middle=0) as shown in the following form.



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