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Hawaii Population -- State to Block

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We start with a macro view of micro-level geography.  This section introduces operations and views generated using CommunityViewer with a statewide map display showing patterns of population by census block.


Hawaii Population by Census Block

View using CommunityViewer project hawaii1_blks.gpr


Census 2000 population.  Approximately 18,000 census blocks.


Zoom-in view of Honolulu County

Zoom to any level with CV project; mix with other geography and/or data; label and restructure legend/pattern view.


In the above view, compared to the 5-county view, zero-population blocks are highlighted with a darker green boundary and the water areas layer is showing (clicked on in legend).


The identify tool is used to profile attributes of one census block.


See zoom-in view of this tract by block in the Neighborhood/Tracts section.



Augmented, improved versions of the December 2008 vintage Census Bureau MTAIP updated TIGER/Line shapefiles, are used in the project fileset (for all applicable layers).  For census blocks, the Census 2000 vintage tabulation block boundaries are used.



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