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Using this Guide


Interactive Google map and data access/analysis


State to Block

Shows Hawaii population by census block

Introduces CommunityViewer project fileset and viewing demographic patterns.

Draw linkage between blocks and census tract demographics covered later.


County Demographics

Reviews to county population by age cohort annual estimates and projections.

Provides access to Census 2000 and 2005-07 county demographic profiles.


K-12 School Characteristics

Interactive Google map and data access

Reviews use of CV with K-12 school layers.

Illustrates how GIS site analysis can be used with schools.



Reviews sourcing and development of roads/streets shapefiles/layers.

Reviews development of augmented streets shapefiles.

Illustrates how GIS can be used to flexibly view/integrate streets.


Place GeoDemographics

Interactive Google map and data access

Reviews scope of places (CDPs) in Hawaii

Illustrates how GIS can be used to analyze place demographics.

Reviews process of assessing demographic change in places.


Urban Dynamics

Reviews scope of urban areas in Hawaii

Illustrates how GIS can be used to analyze urban area demographics.

Reviews process of assessing demographic change in urban areas.


Tracts and Neighborhoods

Reviews scope of urban areas in Hawaii

Illustrates how GIS can be used to analyze census tract demographics.

Reviews process of assessing demographic change by census tracts.

Introduces 2008 tract level demograpjhic updates.


Geospatial Relationships

Reviews other key types of layers/shapefiles in GIS project fileset




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