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ProximityOne Decennial/ACS Program

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The ProximityOne Decennial/ACS Program (ProximityOne GeoDemographics Program) provides a comprehensive, organized, and integrated geodemographic data access and analysis program that includes these national scope data:


all Census 2010 data
selected Census 2000 data
all 1-year, 3-year and 5-year American Community Survey data
all ProximityOne estimates and projections (tract, county, metro, state, U.S.)

Option A -- Schools and School Districts

all annual school characteristics data and shapefiles
all annual school district characteristics data
all 1-year, 3-year and 5-year American Community Survey school district special tabulation data

Option B -- ProximityOne MetroDynamics

Historical data
Continuous quarterly updates


The Phase 1 period is now through 2012 and includes all data released through 2012.  In the Phase 2 period, after completion of release of all Census 2010 data and starting in 2013, the ProximityOne GeoDemographics Program continues and includes all 1-year, 3-year and 5-year American Community Survey data and all ProximityOne estimates and projections (tract, county, metro, state, U.S.) plus related geographic data (shapefiles and other) plus optional programs (e.g., Option A).


See ProximityOne GeoDemographics Program for more information.


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