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CV XE GIS -- Portland, OR Demographic-Economic GIS Project
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This section provides information to illustrate usage of the CV XE GIS software with the Portland, Oregon Demographic-Economic GIS Project. "Project" refers to the CV XE GIS project file that is used by the CV XE GIS software to manage component files/layers and settings to render a specific map view. See more about files/layers included in this project.

Start-up view of the Portland CV XE project
The following graphic shows patterns of economic prosperity (median household income) by block group for the Portland area. Layers checked in the legend panel at left are shown in the map view window. Portland city appears with bold black boundary. It is easy to see which block groups, sub-neighborhoods, have higher and lower median household income. Using the same project and CV XE GIS, similar views can be made showing other types of income measures, poverty, educational attainment, enrollment, employment, language spoken at home, housing value, housing costs, among many others.

Getting Underway ...
To bring the above view up on your computer, follow these steps:
1. Install the no-fee version of CV XE (Windows 32/64) now.
    ... this no-fee version includes many powerful features.

2. After installing the CV XE software, download the Portland project fileset with information provided separately. Expand the downloaded zip file to the folder c:\cvxe\1.

3. With CV running, select Settings>Start-up from main menu bar. In the Setting form that appears, modify the Start-up Project setting to show "c:\cvxe\1\portland1.gis" (omit quotes) in the Start-up Project edit box. Save the settings, close the form and re-start CV. CV will now always open this project ("portland1.gis").

Start CV and the view shown at the top of this section appears.

Layers Included in the Portland CV XE Project
The following table shows a list of layers in the same order as shown in the legend panel in the start-up view (top of this section). With exception of the OpenStreetMap (see http:/ each of the layers corresponds to a shapefile installed on the computer where CV XE GIS has been installed. The OpenStreetMap layer is provided courtesy MapQuest. ProximityOne has no direct affiliation with MapQuest nor OpenStreetMap. It is the responsibility of the user making use of OpenStreetMap services to respect the OpenStreetMap terms and conditions.
1gz_2010_us_040_00_500k.shpU.S. by State
2k12publicschoolspt41.SHPOregon K-12 Schools
3gz_2010_us_310_m1_500k.shpU.S. Metros (CBSAs)
4tl_2012_us_primaryroads.shpU.S. Interstate
5tl_2012_41051_edges.shpMultnomahCounty, OR roads (2012)
6gz_2010_us_050_00_500k.shpU.S. by county
7gz_2010_us_160_5000_4159000.shpPortland city
8gz_2010_us_860_00_500k_41.SHPOregon by ZIP Code area
9tl_2010_41051_tabblock10.shpMultnomah County, OR by census block
10gz_2010_us_140_41.shpOregon by census tract
11gz_2010_us_160_5000.shpU.S. by City/Place having 5,000 or more population
12sd10_41.shpOregon School Districts
13gz_2010_17_150_00_500k.shpOregon Block Groups
14mapquest_osmMapQuest OpenStreetMaps Tiles; Web-based; courtesy of MapQuest
15gz_2010_us_states.shpU.S. by State

Applications and Data

Block Group Layer. This layer/shapefile (gz_2010_41_150_00_500k.shp) is provided for the state. Subject matter items included are a subset of the 200+ items described at The thematic map shown at the top of this section is based on item d124, median household income. More about block groups:

Metros & Counties Layers. Unchecking the block group layer, zooming out, widening the metro boundary, selecting only the Portland MSA, and turning on the county labels, renders this regional view:

Cities/Places Layer. Checking the cities/places layer on, following the above steps to view the region, renders this regional view also showing cities/places having 5,000 or more population:

School Districts & Schools Layers. Zooming in to Multnomah County and checking the school districts and K-12 schools layers on, following the above steps, renders this view also showing school districts and schools:

The identify tool is used to show a profile of a selected school (see pointer).

ZIP Code Areas Layer. Zooming further into Portland city, unchecking the K-12 schools and school districts layers, checking the ZIP codes layer on, and following the above steps, renders this view:

The ZIP code area labels have also been turned on.

Roads Layer. Zooming further into Portland city (ZIP code 97213 - see above), checking the roads layer on, and following the above steps, renders this view

The identify tool is used to show a profile of a selected street segment. See pointer. Note the segment attributes include the right- and left-side address ranges, ZIP codes, among many others.

Census Blocks Layer. Zooming further into ZIP code 97213, see above, checking the blocks layer on, and following the above steps, renders this view:

This further zoom-in shows blocks with labeled using the 15 character census block code.

Census Tracts Layer. Zooming out to ZIP 97213, checking the census tracts layer on, and following the above steps, renders this view:

Census tracts are labeled (white) using the 11 character census tract code. It is easy to see the relationship between census tracts and ZIP codes.

Additional Information
ProximityOne develops geographic-demographic-economic data and analytical tools and helps organizations knit together and use diverse data in a decision-making and analytical framework. We develop custom demographic/economic estimates and projections, develop geographic and geocoded address files, and assist with impact and geospatial analyses. Wide-ranging organizations use our tools (software, data, methodologies) to analyze their own data integrated with other data. Follow ProximityOne on Twitter at Contact ProximityOne (888-364-7656) with questions about data covered in this section or to discuss custom estimates, projections or analyses for your areas of interest.

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