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The population of Clark, NV changed from 2,237,815 (2019) to 2,322,985 (2022). a change of 85,170 (3.81%). The per capita personal income (PCPI) changed from 50,382 (2019) to 59,150 (2022). a change of 8,768 (17.40%). The state per capita personal income (PCPI) changed from 51,905 (2019) to 62,085 (2022). a change of 10,180 (19.61%). |
Table CA5 presented below is focused on earnings by source and sector.
The table presents data for selected years through 2022 based on data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. ProximityOne uses models to develop annual estimates and projections to 2030 and provides related analytical services. Table cells with special characters (# or * or -) indicate data for this area and time period are not available. See footnotes at bottom of table for details. These values can be optionally imputed by the REIS software. |
Earnings by Source & Sector for Clark, NV | ||||
Item Name | 2019 | 2022 | Change | %Change |
Personal income (thousands of dollars) | 112,745,711 | 137,403,632 | 24,657,921 | 21.9 |
Population (persons) 2/ | 2,237,815 | 2,322,985 | 85,170 | 3.8 |
Per capita personal income (dollars) | 50,382 | 59,150 | 8,768 | 17.4 |
Earnings by place of work | 76,930,085 | 94,377,994 | 17,447,909 | 22.7 |
Less: Contributions for government social insurance 3/ | 8,720,327 | 10,903,483 | 2,183,156 | 25.0 |
Employee & self-employed contributions for govt social ins | 4,533,970 | 5,832,387 | 1,298,417 | 28.6 |
Employer contributions for government social insurance | 4,186,357 | 5,071,096 | 884,739 | 21.1 |
Plus: Adjustment for residence 4/ | -625,502 | -970,359 | -344,857 | 55.1 |
Equals: Net earnings by place of residence | 67,584,256 | 82,504,152 | 14,919,896 | 22.1 |
Plus: Dividends, interest & rent 5/ | 26,153,180 | 30,499,392 | 4,346,212 | 16.6 |
Plus: Personal current transfer receipts | 19,008,275 | 24,400,088 | 5,391,813 | 28.4 |
Wages & salaries | 55,666,850 | 69,754,265 | 14,087,415 | 25.3 |
Supplements to wages & salaries | 12,799,198 | 14,242,958 | 1,443,760 | 11.3 |
Employer contributions for employee pension & ins funds 6/ | 8,612,841 | 9,171,862 | 559,021 | 6.5 |
Employer contributions for government social insurance | 4,186,357 | 5,071,096 | 884,739 | 21.1 |
Proprietors' income 7/ | 8,464,037 | 10,380,771 | 1,916,734 | 22.6 |
Farm proprietors' income | -1,726 | -3,482 | -1,756 | 101.7 |
Nonfarm proprietors' income | 8,465,763 | 10,384,253 | 1,918,490 | 22.7 |
Farm earnings | 1,219 | 491 | -728 | -59.7 |
Nonfarm earnings | 76,928,866 | 94,377,503 | 17,448,637 | 22.7 |
Private nonfarm earnings | 65,996,569 | 82,263,871 | 16,267,302 | 24.6 |
Forestry, fishing & related activities | 3,697 | 12,432 | 8,735 | 236.3 |
Forestry & logging | -157 | 2,267 | 2,424 | -1543.9 |
Fishing, hunting & trapping | * | * | - | - |
Support activities for agriculture & forestry | * | * | - | - |
Mining, quarrying & oil & gas extraction | 42,529 | 9,090 | -33,439 | -78.6 |
Oil & gas extraction | * | * | - | - |
Mining (except oil & gas) | 40,206 | 15,410 | -24,796 | -61.7 |
Support activities for mining | * | * | - | - |
Utilities | 423,017 | 509,882 | 86,865 | 20.5 |
Construction | 6,146,966 | 7,891,849 | 1,744,883 | 28.4 |
Construction of buildings | 1,202,569 | 1,653,877 | 451,308 | 37.5 |
Heavy & civil engineering construction | 647,237 | 868,323 | 221,086 | 34.2 |
Specialty trade contractors | 4,297,160 | 5,369,649 | 1,072,489 | 25.0 |
Manufacturing | 1,967,812 | 2,449,861 | 482,049 | 24.5 |
Durable goods manufacturing | 1,277,650 | 1,548,791 | 271,141 | 21.2 |
Wood product manufacturing | 27,911 | 54,893 | 26,982 | 96.7 |
Nonmetallic mineral product manufacturing | 199,403 | 247,275 | 47,872 | 24.0 |
Primary metal manufacturing | * | * | - | - |
Fabricated metal product manufacturing | 173,532 | 238,534 | 65,002 | 37.5 |
Machinery manufacturing | 57,138 | 46,978 | -10,160 | -17.8 |
Computer & electronic product manufacturing | 52,849 | 78,487 | 25,638 | 48.5 |
Electrical equip, appliance & component mfg | 57,440 | 85,717 | 28,277 | 49.2 |
Motor vehicles, bodies & trailers & parts mfg | * | 24,624 | - | - |
Other transportation equipment manufacturing | * | * | - | - |
Furniture & related product manufacturing | 71,352 | 87,661 | 16,309 | 22.9 |
Miscellaneous manufacturing | 521,476 | 577,115 | 55,639 | 10.7 |
Nondurable goods manufacturing | 690,162 | 901,070 | 210,908 | 30.6 |
Food manufacturing | 193,630 | 259,849 | 66,219 | 34.2 |
Beverage & tobacco product manufacturing | 43,862 | 89,506 | 45,644 | 104.1 |
Textile mills | * | * | - | - |
Textile product mills | 18,336 | 18,622 | 286 | 1.6 |
Apparel manufacturing | * | * | - | - |
Leather & allied product manufacturing | * | * | - | - |
Paper manufacturing | * | * | - | - |
Printing & related support activities | 154,240 | 179,623 | 25,383 | 16.5 |
Petroleum & coal products manufacturing | 10,456 | 7,758 | -2,698 | -25.8 |
Chemical manufacturing | 116,505 | 126,607 | 10,102 | 8.7 |
Plastics & rubber products manufacturing | 104,159 | 158,941 | 54,782 | 52.6 |
Wholesale trade | 2,591,866 | 3,200,478 | 608,612 | 23.5 |
Retail trade | 5,485,877 | 6,700,355 | 1,214,478 | 22.1 |
Motor vehicle & parts dealers | 1,081,850 | 1,554,288 | 472,438 | 43.7 |
Furniture & home furnishings stores | 171,315 | * | - | - |
Electronics & appliance stores | 188,551 | * | - | - |
Building material & garden equipment & supplies dealers | 243,178 | 300,740 | 57,562 | 23.7 |
Food & beverage stores | 737,717 | 942,565 | 204,848 | 27.8 |
Health & personal care stores | 415,876 | * | - | - |
Gasoline stations | 322,610 | * | - | - |
Clothing & clothing accessories stores | 721,914 | * | - | - |
Sporting goods, hobby, musical instrument & book stores | 80,810 | * | - | - |
General merchandise stores | 613,665 | * | - | - |
Miscellaneous store retailers | 497,984 | * | - | - |
Nonstore retailers | 410,407 | * | - | - |
Transportation & warehousing | 3,521,744 | 4,955,596 | 1,433,852 | 40.7 |
Air transportation | 1,020,864 | 1,270,926 | 250,062 | 24.5 |
Rail transportation | 34,376 | 10,656 | -23,720 | -69.0 |
Water transportation | * | * | - | - |
Truck transportation | 566,028 | 728,640 | 162,612 | 28.7 |
Transit & ground passenger transportation | 517,710 | 560,661 | 42,951 | 8.3 |
Pipeline transportation | * | * | - | - |
Scenic & sightseeing transportation | 73,279 | 53,607 | -19,672 | -26.8 |
Support activities for transportation | 499,486 | 544,372 | 44,886 | 9.0 |
Couriers & messengers | 204,507 | 358,544 | 154,037 | 75.3 |
Warehousing & storage | 602,486 | 1,398,234 | 795,748 | 132.1 |
Information | 1,940,865 | 1,686,213 | -254,652 | -13.1 |
Publishing industries (except Internet) | 251,969 | * | - | - |
Motion picture & sound recording industries | 102,798 | 173,551 | 70,753 | 68.8 |
Broadcasting (except Internet) | 1,008,334 | * | - | - |
Internet publishing & broadcasting 8/ | - | - | - | - |
Telecommunications | 322,462 | 344,258 | 21,796 | 6.8 |
Data processing, hosting & related services | 199,348 | 366,432 | 167,084 | 83.8 |
Other information services 8/ | 55,954 | 350,551 | 294,597 | 526.5 |
Finance & insurance | 3,002,236 | 3,999,937 | 997,701 | 33.2 |
Monetary Authorities-central bank | * | * | - | - |
Credit intermediation & related activities | 1,615,980 | 1,960,829 | 344,849 | 21.3 |
Securities, commodity contracts & other fin inv & related | 273,269 | 491,207 | 217,938 | 79.8 |
Insurance carriers & related activities | 1,099,284 | 1,542,216 | 442,932 | 40.3 |
Funds, trusts & other financial vehicles | * | * | - | - |
Real estate & rental & leasing | 2,361,386 | 3,786,210 | 1,424,824 | 60.3 |
Real estate | 1,890,764 | 3,259,217 | 1,368,453 | 72.4 |
Rental & leasing services | 444,515 | 504,319 | 59,804 | 13.5 |
Lessors of nonfinancial intang assets (exc copyrighted) | 26,107 | 22,674 | -3,433 | -13.1 |
Professional, scientific & technical services | 5,061,905 | 6,934,736 | 1,872,831 | 37.0 |
Management of companies & enterprises | 2,988,408 | 4,510,301 | 1,521,893 | 50.9 |
Admin & support & waste mgmt & remediation svcs | 3,850,320 | 4,937,608 | 1,087,288 | 28.2 |
Administrative & support services | 3,623,442 | 4,662,303 | 1,038,861 | 28.7 |
Waste management & remediation services | 226,878 | 275,305 | 48,427 | 21.3 |
Educational services | 634,249 | 871,001 | 236,752 | 37.3 |
Health care & social assistance | 7,191,725 | 8,906,830 | 1,715,105 | 23.8 |
Ambulatory health care services | 4,045,566 | 5,161,520 | 1,115,954 | 27.6 |
Hospitals | 2,105,865 | 2,415,713 | 309,848 | 14.7 |
Nursing & residential care facilities | 450,184 | 592,497 | 142,313 | 31.6 |
Social assistance | 590,110 | 737,100 | 146,990 | 24.9 |
Arts, entertainment & recreation | 2,578,977 | 2,333,148 | -245,829 | -9.5 |
Performing arts, spectator sports & related industries | 1,430,670 | 1,405,329 | -25,341 | -1.8 |
Museums, historical sites & similar institutions | 43,376 | 37,544 | -5,832 | -13.4 |
Amusement, gambling & recreation industries | 1,104,931 | 890,275 | -214,656 | -19.4 |
Accommodation & food services | 13,728,978 | 15,432,032 | 1,703,054 | 12.4 |
Accommodation | 10,047,178 | 10,375,523 | 328,345 | 3.3 |
Food services & drinking places | 3,681,800 | 5,056,509 | 1,374,709 | 37.3 |
Other services (except government & government enterprises) | 2,474,012 | 3,136,312 | 662,300 | 26.8 |
Repair & maintenance | 726,042 | 1,025,066 | 299,024 | 41.2 |
Personal & laundry services | 1,059,984 | 1,293,379 | 233,395 | 22.0 |
Religious, grantmaking, civic, prof & similar org | 540,670 | 650,131 | 109,461 | 20.2 |
Private households | 147,316 | 167,736 | 20,420 | 13.9 |
Government & government enterprises | 10,932,297 | 12,113,632 | 1,181,335 | 10.8 |
Federal civilian | 1,460,755 | 1,793,228 | 332,473 | 22.8 |
Military | 1,313,354 | 1,584,046 | 270,692 | 20.6 |
State & local | 8,158,188 | 8,736,358 | 578,170 | 7.1 |
State government | 1,603,432 | 1,639,802 | 36,370 | 2.3 |
Local government | 6,554,756 | 7,096,556 | 541,800 | 8.3 |
1/ The estimates of earnings for 2001-2006 are based on the 2002 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The estimates for 2007-2010 are based on the 2007 NAICS. The estimates for 2011 forward are based on the 2012 NAICS. 2/ Census Bureau midyear population estimates. . 3/ Employer contributions for government social insurance are included in earnings by industry and earnings by place of work, but they are excluded from net earnings by place of residence and personal income. Employee and self-employed contributions are subtractions in the calculation of net earnings by place of residence and all of the income measures. 4/ The adjustment for residence is the net inflow of the earnings of interarea commuters. For the United States, it consists of adjustments for border workers and US residents employed by international organizations and foreign embassies. 5/ Rental income of persons includes the capital consumption adjustment. 6/ Includes actual employer contributions and actuarially imputed employer contributions to reflect benefits accrued by defined benefit pension plan participants through service to employers in the current period. 7/ Proprietors' income includes the inventory valuation adjustment and capital consumption adjustment. 8/ Under the 2007 NAICS, internet publishing and broadcasting was reclassified to other information services. All dollar estimates are in current dollars (not adjusted for inflation). Missing data cell values: * Not shown to avoid disclosure of confidential information. Estimates for item are included in totals. # Less than $50,000. Estimates for item are included in totals. - Data not available for this year. Source: ProximityOne, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of the Census, Bureau of Labor Statistics |