San Diego GeoDemographic Analysis

K-12 Schools

K-12 Schools

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K-12 Schools

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K-12 Schools

See related School/School Districts pages.



K-12 schools with unified school districts in context of San Diego County.


Zoom-in to above view with addition of Interstate and San Diego city as diagonal hatch pattern.


Content & Usage Details


Name=K-12 Schools


  FieldName  FieldType  Description
FIPSTC2State FIPS code
LEAIDC7Federal local education agency (LEA) code
SCHIDC5Federal school code (unique number within LEA)
LEASCHIDC12Federal school code (state FIPS + 5-digit Federal agency + 5-digit Federal school code)
STIDC14State education agency code
SEASCHC20State school code
LEANAMEC60Name of education agency that operates school
SCHOOLNAMEC50School name
PHONEC10Telephone number of school
MSTREETC30Mailing street address of school (or "N" if verified no address beyond city/state/ZIP)
MCITYC25Mailing city
MSTATEC2Mailing USPS state abbreviation
MZIPC5Mailing 5-digit ZIP code
MZIP4C4Mailing 4-digit ZIP+4 code
LSTREETC30School location street address
LCITYC25School location city
LSTATEC2School location USPS state postal abbreviation
LZIPC5School location 5-digit ZIP code
LZIP4C4School location ZIP+4 code for location address
TYPEC1Type of school
  1 = Regular school
  2 = Special education school
  3 = Vocational school
  4 = Other/alternative school
STATUSC1School status
  1 = Current operational and operational at the time of last report
  2 = Closed since last report
  3 = Opened since last report
  4 = Operational at the time of last report but not on the list at that time
  5 = Listed in previous year universe as being with different education agency
  6 = Temporarily closed and may reopen within 3 years
  7 = Scheduled to be operational within 2 years
  8 = Closed on previous year’s file but has reopened
TITLEIC1Title I Eligible School
  1 = Yes
  2 = No
STITLEIC1School-wide Title I
  1 = Yes
  2 = No
MAGNETC1Magnet school
  1 = Yes
  2 = No
CHARTERC1Charter school
  1 = Yes
  2 = No
SHAREDC1Shared-time school
  1 = Yes
  2 = No
ENROLLMENTN9.0Total students, all grades: reported total enrollment of school
FTEN9.1Total teachers (FTE)
PUPTCHN9.1Calculated pupil/teacher ratio
LATN12.6Latitude, location of school
LONN12.6Longitude, location of school
PRECISIONN5.0Precision of geocoding
STATUSC1School status
  1 = Current operational and operational at the time of last report
  2 = Closed since last report
  3 = Opened since last report
  4 = Operational at the time of last report but not on the list at that time
  5 = Listed in previous year universe as being with different education agency
  6 = Temporarily closed and may reopen within 3 years
  7 = Scheduled to be operational within 2 years
  8 = Closed on previous year’s file but has reopened
ULOCALC2Urban-centric locale code
  11 = City, Large inside UA and inside principal city with population 250,000 or more
  12 = City, Mid-size inside UA and inside principal city with population < 250,000 and >= 100,000
  13 = City, Small inside an UA and inside principal city with population < 100,000
  21 = Suburb, Large outside a principal city and inside UA with population 250,000 or more
  22 = Suburb, Mid-size outside a principal city and inside UA with population < 250,000 and >= 100,000
  23 = Suburb, Small outside a principal city and inside an UA with population < 100,000
  31 = Town, Fringe inside UC <= 10 miles from UA
  32 = Town, Distant inside UC > 10 miles and <= 35 miles from UA
  33 = Town, Remote inside UC and >= 35 miles from UA
  41 = Rural, Fringe <= 5 miles from UA and <= 2.5 miles from UC
  42 = Rural, Distant > 5 miles but <= 25 miles from UA and > 2.5 miles but <= 10 miles from UC
  43 = Rural, Remote > 25 miles from UA and > 10 miles from an UC
CONUMC5Congressional district code based on school location
CONAMEC30FIPS state (2) + county (3) code
CDCODEC4Total full-time-equivalent classroom teachers
GSLOC2School low grade offered
  UG = Ungraded
  PK = Prekindergarten
  KG = Kindergarten
  01–12 = 1st through 12th grade
  N = School had no students reported
GSHIC2School high grade offered
  UG = Ungraded
  PK = Prekindergarten
  KG = Kindergarten
  01–12 = 1st through 12th grade
  N = School had no students reported
LEVELC1School level, based on GSLO and GSHI
  1 = Primary (low grade = PK through 03; high grade = PK through 08)
  2 = Middle (low grade = 04 through 07; high grade = 04 through 09)
  3 = High (low grade = 07 through 12; high grade = 12 only)
  4 = Other
FRELCHN4.0Free Lunch Program eligible students
REDLCHN4.0Reduced-Price Lunch Program eligible students
TOTFRLN4.0Free Lunch + Reduced-Price Lunch eligible students
MIGRNTN3.0Migrant students enrolled in previous year
PKN4.0Total prekindergarten students
AMPKMN2.0Prekindergarten students - American Indian/Alaska Native - male
AMPKFN2.0Prekindergarten students - American Indian/Alaska Native - female
ASPKMN2.0Prekindergarten students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male
ASPKFN2.0Prekindergarten students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female
HIPKMN3.0Prekindergarten students - Hispanic - male
HIPKFN3.0Prekindergarten students - Hispanic - female
BLPKMN3.0Prekindergarten students - Black, non-Hispanic - male
BLPKFN3.0Prekindergarten students - Black, non-Hispanic - female
WHPKMN3.0Prekindergarten students - White, non-Hispanic - male
WHPKFN3.0Prekindergarten students - White, non-Hispanic - female
KGN3.0Total kindergarten students
AMKGMN3.0Kindergarten students - American Indian/Alaska Native - male
AMKGFN3.0Kindergarten students - American Indian/Alaska Native - female
ASKGMN2.0Kindergarten students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male
ASKGFN2.0Kindergarten students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female
HIKGMN3.0Kindergarten students - Hispanic - male
HIKGFN3.0Kindergarten students - Hispanic - female
BLKGMN3.0Kindergarten students - Black, non-Hispanic - male
BLKGFN3.0Kindergarten students - Black, non-Hispanic - female
WHKGMN3.0Kindergarten students - White, non-Hispanic - male
WHKGFN3.0Kindergarten students - White, non-Hispanic - female
G01N3.0Total grade 1 students
AM01MN2.0Grade 1 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - male
AM01FN2.0Grade 1 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - female
AS01MN2.0Grade 1 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male
AS01FN2.0Grade 1 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female
HI01MN3.0Grade 1 students - Hispanic - male
HI01FN3.0Grade 1 students - Hispanic - female
BL01MN3.0Grade 1 students - Black, non-Hispanic - male
BL01FN3.0Grade 1 students - Black, non-Hispanic - female
WH01MN3.0Grade 1 students - White, non-Hispanic - male
WH01FN3.0Grade 1 students - White, non-Hispanic - female
G02N3.0Total grade 2 students
AM02MN3.0Grade 2 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - male
AM02FN3.0Grade 2 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - female
AS02MN2.0Grade 2 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male
AS02FN2.0Grade 2 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female
HI02MN3.0Grade 2 students - Hispanic - male
HI02FN3.0Grade 2 students - Hispanic - female
BL02MN3.0Grade 2 students - Black, non-Hispanic - male
BL02FN3.0Grade 2 students - Black, non-Hispanic - female
WH02MN3.0Grade 2 students - White, non-Hispanic - male
WH02FN3.0Grade 2 students - White, non-Hispanic - female
G03N3.0Total grade 3 students
AM03MN2.0Grade 3 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - male
AM03FN2.0Grade 3 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - female
AS03MN2.0Grade 3 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male
AS03FN2.0Grade 3 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female
HI03MN3.0Grade 3 students - Hispanic - male
HI03FN3.0Grade 3 students - Hispanic - female
BL03MN3.0Grade 3 students - Black, non-Hispanic - male
BL03FN3.0Grade 3 students - Black, non-Hispanic - female
WH03MN3.0Grade 3 students - White, non-Hispanic - male
WH03FN3.0Grade 3 students - White, non-Hispanic - female
G04N3.0Total grade 4 students
AM04MN3.0Grade 4 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - male
AM04FN2.0Grade 4 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - female
AS04MN2.0Grade 4 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male
AS04FN2.0Grade 4 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female
HI04MN3.0Grade 4 students - Hispanic - male
HI04FN3.0Grade 4 students - Hispanic - female
BL04MN3.0Grade 4 students - Black, non-Hispanic - male
BL04FN3.0Grade 4 students - Black, non-Hispanic - female
WH04MN3.0Grade 4 students - White, non-Hispanic - male
WH04FN3.0Grade 4 students - White, non-Hispanic - female
G05N3.0Total grade 5 students
AM05MN2.0Grade 5 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - male
AM05FN2.0Grade 5 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - female
AS05MN2.0Grade 5 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male
AS05FN2.0Grade 5 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female
HI05MN3.0Grade 5 students - Hispanic - male
HI05FN3.0Grade 5 students - Hispanic - female
BL05MN3.0Grade 5 students - Black, non-Hispanic - male
BL05FN3.0Grade 5 students - Black, non-Hispanic - female
WH05MN3.0Grade 5 students - White, non-Hispanic - male
WH05FN3.0Grade 5 students - White, non-Hispanic - female
G06N4.0Total grade 6 students
AM06MN2.0Grade 6 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - male
AM06FN2.0Grade 6 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - female
AS06MN3.0Grade 6 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male
AS06FN3.0Grade 6 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female
HI06MN3.0Grade 6 students - Hispanic - male
HI06FN3.0Grade 6 students - Hispanic - female
BL06MN3.0Grade 6 students - Black, non-Hispanic - male
BL06FN3.0Grade 6 students - Black, non-Hispanic - female
WH06MN3.0Grade 6 students - White, non-Hispanic - male
WH06FN3.0Grade 6 students - White, non-Hispanic - female
GN4.0Total grade 7 students
AMMN3.0Grade 7 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - male
AMFN3.0Grade 7 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - female
ASMN3.0Grade 7 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male
ASFN3.0Grade 7 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female
HIMN3.0Grade 7 students - Hispanic - male
HIFN3.0Grade 7 students - Hispanic - female
BLMN3.0Grade 7 students - Black, non-Hispanic - male
BLFN3.0Grade 7 students - Black, non-Hispanic - female
WHMN3.0Grade 7 students - White, non-Hispanic - male
WHFN3.0Grade 7 students - White, non-Hispanic - female
G08N4.0Total grade 8 students
AM08MN3.0Grade 8 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - male
AM08FN3.0Grade 8 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - female
AS08MN3.0Grade 8 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male
AS08FN3.0Grade 8 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female
HI08MN3.0Grade 8 students - Hispanic - male
HI08FN3.0Grade 8 students - Hispanic - female
BL08MN3.0Grade 8 students - Black, non-Hispanic - male
BL08FN3.0Grade 8 students - Black, non-Hispanic - female
WH08MN3.0Grade 8 students - White, non-Hispanic - male
WH08FN3.0Grade 8 students - White, non-Hispanic - female
G09N4.0Total grade 9 students
AM09MN3.0Grade 9 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - male
AM09FN3.0Grade 9 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - female
AS09MN3.0Grade 9 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male
AS09FN3.0Grade 9 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female
HI09MN4.0Grade 9 students - Hispanic - male
HI09FN3.0Grade 9 students - Hispanic - female
BL09MN3.0Grade 9 students - Black, non-Hispanic - male
BL09FN3.0Grade 9 students - Black, non-Hispanic - female
WH09MN3.0Grade 9 students - White, non-Hispanic - male
WH09FN3.0Grade 9 students - White, non-Hispanic - female
G10N4.0Total grade 10 students
AM10MN3.0Grade 10 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - male
AM10FN3.0Grade 10 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - female
AS10MN3.0Grade 10 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male
AS10FN3.0Grade 10 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female
HI10MN3.0Grade 10 students - Hispanic - male
HI10FN3.0Grade 10 students - Hispanic - female
BL10MN3.0Grade 10 students - Black, non-Hispanic - male
BL10FN3.0Grade 10 students - Black, non-Hispanic - female
WH10MN3.0Grade 10 students - White, non-Hispanic - male
WH10FN4.0Grade 10 students - White, non-Hispanic - female
G11N4.0Total grade 11 students
AM11MN3.0Grade 11 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - male
AM11FN3.0Grade 11 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - female
AS11MN3.0Grade 11 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male
AS11FN3.0Grade 11 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female
HI11MN3.0Grade 11 students - Hispanic - male
HI11FN3.0Grade 11 students - Hispanic - female
BL11MN3.0Grade 11 students - Black, non-Hispanic - male
BL11FN3.0Grade 11 students - Black, non-Hispanic - female
WH11MN4.0Grade 11 students - White, non-Hispanic - male
WH11FN4.0Grade 11 students - White, non-Hispanic - female
G12N4.0Total grade 12 students
AM12MN3.0Grade 12 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - male
AM12FN3.0Grade 12 students - American Indian/Alaska Native - female
AS12MN3.0Grade 12 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male
AS12FN3.0Grade 12 students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female
HI12MN3.0Grade 12 students - Hispanic - male
HI12FN3.0Grade 12 students - Hispanic - female
BL12MN3.0Grade 12 students - Black, non-Hispanic - male
BL12FN3.0Grade 12 students - Black, non-Hispanic - female
WH12MN4.0Grade 12 students - White, non-Hispanic - male
WH12FN4.0Grade 12 students - White, non-Hispanic - female
UGN4.0Total ungraded students
AMUGMN2.0Ungraded students - American Indian/Alaska Native - male
AMUGFN2.0Ungraded students - American Indian/Alaska Native - female
ASUGMN2.0Ungraded students - Asian/Pacific Islander - male
ASUGFN2.0Ungraded students - Asian/Pacific Islander - female
HIUGMN2.0Ungraded students - Hispanic - male
HIUGFN2.0Ungraded students - Hispanic - female
BLUGMN4.0Ungraded students - Black, non-Hispanic - male
BLUGFN3.0Ungraded students - Black, non-Hispanic - female
WHUGMN3.0Ungraded students - White, non-Hispanic - male
WHUGFN2.0Ungraded students - White, non-Hispanic - female
MEMBERN5.0Total students, all grades: reported total enrollment of school
AMN4.0American Indian/Alaska Native students
AMALMN3.0Total students, all grades - American Indian/Alaska Native - male
AMALFN3.0Total students, all grades - American Indian/Alaska Native - female
ASIANN4.0Asian/Pacific Islander students
ASALMN4.0Total students, all grades - Asian/Pacific Islander - male
ASALFN4.0Total students, all grades - Asian/Pacific Islander - female
HISPN4.0Hispanic students
HIALMN4.0Total students, all grades - Hispanic - male
HIALFN4.0Total students, all grades - Hispanic - female
BLACKN4.0Black, non-Hispanic students
BLALMN4.0Total students, all grades - Black, non-Hispanic - male
BLALFN4.0Total students, all grades - Black, non-Hispanic - female
WHITEN4.0White, non-Hispanic students
WHALMN4.0Total students, all grades - White, non-Hispanic - male
WHALFN4.0Total students, all grades - White, non-Hispanic - female
TOTETHN5.0Calculated school race/ethnicity enrollment
PUPTCHN9.1Calculated pupil/teacher ratio
TOTGRDN5.0Calculated school enrollment